• Limit use of indoor shared spaces, such as cafeterias
and gymnasiums, to maximum group sizes, ensure
physical distance and face covering use and clean
between each group’s use.
• Close shared water fountains. Encourage students
and sta to bring bottled water from home.
• Install protective barriers in shared areas, such as
front oce, reception areas and libraries.
• Students, teachers and cafeteria sta should wash
hands before and after every meal.
• If possible, classrooms should be utilized for eating
in place.
• Students may bring food from home.
• School-supplied meals should be delivered to
classrooms with disposable utensils.
• If cafeterias must be used, stagger meal times for each
group, adhere to maximum group size and ensure six
feet of distance between students to the maximum
extent possible. Disposable utensils should be used.
• Mark spaced lines to enter the cafeteria and serving
lines; designate entrances and exit flow paths;
ensure single-file lines for food lines and disposal.
• Utilize outdoor seating as practical and appropriate.
• Students can eat a breakfast/lunch in their classroom
instead of the cafeteria and will be reimbursed from
USDA. “Congregating” waivers are not needed.
• A non-congregate waiver and meal time
separation waiver are needed to eat o site from
the school campus. LDOE is submitting a written
waiver extension request to USDA.
Food and Nutrition sta should:
• Clean frequently touched surfaces such as kitchen
countertops, cafeteria and service tables, door
handles, carts and trays throughout the day. Follow
the directions on the cleaning product’s label and
clean hands afterwards.
• Practice proper hand hygiene. This is an important
infection control measure. With appropriate hand
hygiene, gloves are not necessary for workers who
are not involved in food preparation. Wash hands
regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
An alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at
least 60 percent alcohol can be used, but not as a
substitute for cleaning hands with soap and water.
The risks associated with student transportation in
buses have not been studied to date. As a result, these
recommendations are derived from school operating
procedures and the best “reasonable standard” given
feasibility constraints.
Seating and Social Distancing
Buses should operate at 25 percent of their normal
capacity in Phase 1, 50 percent of their normal
capacity during Phase 2, and 75 percent of their
normal capacity during Phase 3, with appropriate
Symptom Monitoring and Personal Hygiene
• All passengers should engage in hand hygiene
upon entering the bus. Hand sanitizer should not
exceed 80 percent alcohol concentration and
containers should be securely closed, secured
against shifting and protected from damage.
• Facial coverings should be worn by all sta and
students (3rd grade and up) at all times. Any child
over age two may wear a face covering.
• For bus stops, consider developing a communication
plan to encourage parents and students to
maintain social distance at bus stops and to avoid
congregating in groups while waiting for the bus.
Operational Standards
• Windows should be open at all times to facilitate
air flow as weather conditions permit.
• Stagger unloading of buses at school to minimize
student group size as they enter school and to
allow six feet of distance while entering.
• Clean high-touch surfaces, including seats and
handrails, after each group’s use. The bus should
be cleaned at least once per day. See additional
cleaning and disinfection guidance.
Transportation Standards for Students with
Special Needs
If a school system provides transportation for
medically fragile children, consider reserving specific
seats for these children. These seats would not be
used for other students during the day, with special
precautions for disinfecting. Alternately, arrange for
separate transportation for that student.