Today’s date:
Move-out date:
Names of Residents:
Address of Rental Property:
Forwarding address:
Reason for Vacating:
30-Day Notice to Vacate
______ Verify all signatures
______ Verify date
______ Verify lease expiration
______ Explanation of move out
procedures given
Signature of Tenant Printed Name Date
Signature of Tenant Printed Name Date
Signature of Tenant Printed Name Date
Date Notice Received at MPM:
Delivered by:
Hand Delivered
Signature of Recipient:
Tenant(s) understand that the security deposit is not intended to be used as last month’s rent. Last month’s
rent will be pro-rated through the lease expiration date/30 day notice date. Pro-rations are based on how
many days are in the current month. (i.e. $500 rent / 30 days = $16.67/ day x 20 days = $333.33).
All tenants listed on lease must sign below for notice to be legal. Signing this notice confirms all parties
have read and understand their final obligations relating to the lease. Download the Helpful Move-Out
Guide at for an explanation of move-out procedures.
Following final inspections, one check for the security deposit will be mailed to the forwarding address
provided above. If no forwarding address is provided the security deposit will be mailed to the last known
address of the tenant(s).
Tenant(s) understand all lease terms remain enforced for at least 30 days from the date Missoula Property
Management, LLC receives this notice. Tenant(s) have a contractual obligation exceeding 30 days,
depending on the lease expiration date or move out inspection date.
Tenant(s) are still required to maintain lawn care, snow removal, etc. throughout the notice period, or as
required by the lease.
Tenant(s) are obligated to keep any utilities, per the lease, in their names throughout the notice period,
or as required by the lease.
Tenant(s) authorizes Missoula Property Management, its agents and representatives, to release any
information regarding rental history to potential landlords calling for a reference for housing
purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, payment history, any lease violations, deductions from my
security deposit for damages, etc.