2022 All-Star Manager/Coach Commitment Form
Quartz Hill Little League
Application Instructions
All managers and coaches must complete this form indicating your interest in participating in the 2022 All-Star season or waiving
all rights to the teams. Complete and sign this form below and return via email to president@qhll.org by May 18, 2022. A
manager or coach may not be considered if they cannot meet the requirements of attendance as outlined in the form.
Manager/Coach Name:___________________________________ Phone Number:_________________________________
Current Season Division (Circle One): Majors Minors Farm Current Season Team:_____________________________
______ No, I will not be able to participated during the 2022 season.
______ Yes, I would like to manage.
______ Yes, I would like to coach.
All-Star team applying for:
Softball Baseball 11/12 10/11 9/10 7/8
If vacation time is planned during the All-Star period, please indicated the dates you will be unavailable. Board of Directors may
determine eligibility based on disclosed availability.
Known absence dates (start & end): __________________________________________________________________________
The acceptance of the All-Star manager position requires the attendance at all of the scheduled practices and games in their entirety.
Managers must notify the tournament director of all scheduled practice locations and times, if different than those scheduled at QHLL.
All practice locations used must be on the approved practice location listing. Alternative practice locations must be submitted to the
Safety officer for approval. Practices are to be held on a consistent basis starting approximately June 6
through the end of tournament
Games start the last week of June and can extend to late July at locations throughout California. The Majors division has the potential
to run to late August if the team moves to Regionals in San Bernardino, CA, and the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA. Any
absences must be disclosed/reported to the QHLL League Tournament Committee prior to the absence occurring. [Note: A family
vacation is not considered an adequate reason for absence]. If in the event an unexcused absence cannot be avoided, the
manager/coach may be replaced with an alternate manager/coach for the remainder of the All-Star tournament season. The QHLL
Board is committed to communicating, supporting, and enforcing regulations of the enormous commitment that is involved in
participating on the All-Star team. Managers will carry the team affidavit book at all practices, games, and All-Star team activities. The
All-Star manager Application/Agreement must be signed and returned by the date documented at the top of this form in order to be
eligible to manage/coach and All-Star team.
Thank you for applying and making this a successful All-Star season.
As a manager/coach, I understand and agree to all conditions of participation as outlined in this form and the QHLL All-Star manual. I
understand and agree to support the time commitment and involvement as a manager of the All-Star tournament, if selected to a team.
Manager/Coach Signature Date
QHLL Use Only after Manager/Coach Selection
Received by:______________ Date______________ Approved Date _______________ Team_____________________