Call for Sites: Assessment Form
The Council is preparing a new Local Plan for the District which will cover development up to the year 2035.
As part of the evidence base we are seeking to identify sites for housing, employment, recreation, mixed use
and for gypsies, travellers and showpeople. You do not need to own the land, however, if you are submitting
land for inclusion within the assessment, it must meet the following criteria:
Housing sites:
~ must be well related to the existing built form of a town or village;
~ must be able to deliver at least 5 dwellings.
Employment sites must have a minimum area of 0.25 hectares or at least 500m sq. of floor space
within a service centre. Smaller sites will be considered in service villages and below.
Gypsy, traveller and showpeople sites which can accommodate up to 20 pitches.
Inclusion of sites within the assessment does not mean that development will be suitable or that planning
permission would be granted, but it does demonstrate availability.
Please complete a separate form for each site.
Return this form using the FREEPOST envelope provided to reach us no later than
Friday 4 September 2015
Alternatively, you can complete this form online at
Site Owner Details
Email address:
Agent Details
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Email address:
Site Interest
Q1 What is your interest in the site?
Site owner
Part owner
Developer contracted to buy the land
Developer speculative
Other (please specify):
Q2 Are there other owners/agents of this site?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please provide details below:
Q3 Are there any ownership or title constraints which you are aware of?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please give details below:
Site Information
Site name:
Site address:
Site area in hectares (gross):
Developable site area in hectares (net):
I have included an Ordnance Survey plan outlining the extent of the site. Follow the
uploading instructions below:
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Current land use:
Q5 Surrounding Land Use (e.g. housing, employment, retail, leisure, etc.):
Q6 Is the site ...?
Vacant Occupied Partly occupied
If the site is considered to be suitable for development, would all or part of the existing use
remain in occupation?
Yes, all Yes, part No
What would be the timetable for the existing use to cease?
Q7 Are you putting land forward for designation as Local Green Space?
Yes No
Please explain why this land should not be developed:
Q8 Is the site available for development?
Yes No
If 'No', when will the site be available?
0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 20 yrs or more
Has development already started?
Yes No
Proposed Use
Please indicate the proposed preferred use for the site and give further information as requested.
Q9 Housing (minimum 5 dwellings):
Estimated number of dwellings:
Density of housing (dwellings per ha):
Employment development (minimum 0.25 hectares or 500msq. floorspace):
Use Class e.g. B1, B2 or B8 (for a list of
use classes visit
What type of recreation?
Mixed use:
Proportion of housing in hectares:
Proportion of employment in hectares:
Gypsy, traveller or showpeople:
Estimated number of pitches:
Q10 Is the site an expansion of an existing site or business?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please provide details of existing site and its development:
Physical Constraints
Are there any existing buildings on the site?
Yes No N/A
If 'Yes', do any of these require relocation before the site could be developed?
If 'Yes', please indicate how long you expect this to take i.e. before the land would be available for
Is there potential for a suitable access to a public highway?
Are there any heritage constraints within or adjacent to the site e.g. listed
buildings, Conservation Areas, scheduled monuments?
Are you aware of any constraints in relation to utilities such as water,
electricity, gas, sewerage supplies?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Are improvements to utilities required?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Is there clear access to utilities such as water, electicity, gas, sewerage
Are you aware of any other constraints which may affect the deliverability of
the site?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
If 'Yes', do you propose that these could be overcome?
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If 'Yes', please provide details:
Environmental Constraints
Q12 Is the site within a Flood Zone?
Yes No Don't know
If 'Yes', is this ...?
Flood Zone 1 Flood Zone 2 Flood Zone 3
Is the land classified as best and most versatile agricultural land?
Yes No N/A
Are there any ecological constraints e.g nature reserves, SSSIs, SINCs in
close proximity to the site?
Are there any geological features of significance affecting the site?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Q13 Are there any financial implications that you are aware of that may influence whether the site
would be available for development?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Q14 Are there any other restrictions on the site that you are aware of which would delay the site being
brought forward for development?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Q15 Are there any abnormal costs associated with bringing forward this site for development, e.g.
contaminated land?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Q16 What assumptions, if any, have you made in your assessment in terms of financial contributions
that have been identified in the local plan?
Percentage of affordable housing:
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL):
Open space/sport/recreation:
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Please provide details of any other infrastructure that you believe would be required in order to
make this site deliverable:
Market Interest
Has the site been marketed for sale?
Yes No Don't know
Is the site owned by a developer?
Does a developer have an ‘option’ on the land?
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Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.
Please return in the pre-paid envelope to reach us no later than Friday 4 September 2015