Mixed use:
Proportion of housing in hectares:
Proportion of employment in hectares:
Gypsy, traveller or showpeople:
Estimated number of pitches:
Q10 Is the site an expansion of an existing site or business?
Yes No
If 'Yes', please provide details of existing site and its development:
Physical Constraints
Are there any existing buildings on the site?
Yes No N/A
If 'Yes', do any of these require relocation before the site could be developed?
If 'Yes', please indicate how long you expect this to take i.e. before the land would be available for
Is there potential for a suitable access to a public highway?
Are there any heritage constraints within or adjacent to the site e.g. listed
buildings, Conservation Areas, scheduled monuments?
Are you aware of any constraints in relation to utilities such as water,
electricity, gas, sewerage supplies?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Are improvements to utilities required?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
Is there clear access to utilities such as water, electicity, gas, sewerage
Are you aware of any other constraints which may affect the deliverability of
the site?
If 'Yes', please provide details:
If 'Yes', do you propose that these could be overcome?
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If 'Yes', please provide details: