March 12, 2020
Section E: Student consents, declarations and signature
Notice of collection and use of personal information
Your personal information, including your Social Insurance Number (SIN), provided in connection
with your student prole, this application and any previous applications and awards of nancial
assistance will be used by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (“ministry”) to administer and
nance the Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) program and by Employment and Social
Development Canada (ESDC) to administer and nance the Canada Student Grant for Services and
Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE) program. Y
our SIN will be used as
a general identier in administering the BSWD/CSG-PDSE. The ministry and ESDC may use other
parties for any of these activities. Under agreement with the ministry, your postsecondary school and,
where authorized by the ministry, its agents who administer OSAP and its auditors use your personal
information to administer the BSWD/CSG-PDSE.
Student's consent to the indirect collection, use and disclosure of personal information
• I agree that until I provide receipts for and/or repay BSWD/CSG-PDSE funds provided to me,
and until any BSWD/CSG-PDSE overpayments are assessed and repaid, the ministry can,
without limitation, collect and exchange personal information about me that is relevant to the
administration and nancing of BSWD/CSG-PDSE with ESDC, my postsecondary school and
its authorized nancial administrators and auditors; the ministry’s contractors, auditors or other
authorized third party administrators; collection agencies operated or retained by the federal or
provincial government, and consumer reporting agencies.
• I understand that I can withdraw any consent I have given in this section by writing to the
Director, Student Financial Assistance Branch at the address above at any time before I accept
a BSWD/CSG-PDSE award. I understand that if I withdraw my consent it will aect my eligibility
for and the amount of BSWD/CSG-PDSE assistance.
Administration includes: determining your eligibility for a BSWD/CSG-PDSE award; verifying your
application and supporting documentation, including verifying nancial assistance provided under
any other ministry program; paying your award; verifying your award; auditing your le; assessing
and collecting overpayments; enforcing the legislation set out below and your agreements with
the ministry and ESDC; and monitoring and auditing your postsecondary school or its authorized
agents to ensure that they are administering the programs appropriately. In addition, administration
by the ministry includes public reporting on postsecondary education and training, including the
administration and nancing of student assistance programs; planning, delivering, evaluating and
monitoring student assistance programs for quality and improvements in both content and delivery;
conducting risk management, error management, audit and quality assessment activities; conducting
inspections or investigations; and conducting research related to postsecondary education and
training, including all aspects of the BSWD/CSG-PDSE. You may be contacted to participate in
surveys related to postsecondary education and training. Financing includes: planning, arranging or
providing funding of the BSWD/CSG-PDSE.
The ministry administers the BSWD under the authority of ss.5, 15 and 16 of the Ministry of T
Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.19, as amended and s. 10.1 of the Financial
Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F.12, as amended, and the CSG-PDSE under the authority of the
Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, S.C. 1994, c.28, as amended, and the Canada Student
Financial Assistance Regulations, SOR 95-329, as amended and s. 266.3(4) of the Education Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Director, Student
Financial Assistance Branch, Ministry of Colleges and Universities, PO Box 4500, 189 Red River
Road, 4th Floor, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 6G9, 807-343-7260.