Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming a registered apprenticeship program
sponsor. Apprenticeship is an innovative work-based learning model that helps employers
cultivate skilled talent and helps jobseekers access high-quality learning and employment
opportunities. Please consider this document a resource while completing this application.
However, if at any time you have questions or require assistance, please contact
This application is designed for “Expansion Industries”, namely advanced manufacturing,
healthcare, and technology. This application can also be used for other industries that wish to
start apprenticeship programs that do not fall in the Building Trades category. Building Trades
applicants should use Apprenticeship Program Standards and Application – Building Trades,
located in this document.
This document is an apprenticeship program standard, as well as an application for
sponsorship. With DAS approval, it will govern how a sponsor’s apprenticeship program works
and serves as the standards by which the program operates.
Apprenticeships are governed by federal law (29 U.S.C 50), federal regulations (29 CFR Part 29
& 30), state law (Chapter 23, Section 11E-W) and regulations (454 CMR 26.00).These standards
conform to all of the above and are read together with federal and state laws and rules. The
Massachusetts Division of Apprentice Standards (DAS) is the regulatory body for approving,
administering, and enforcing apprenticeship standards in Massachusetts.
With the submission of this application, a registered apprentice program sponsor declares their
intent and policy to establish a system of registered apprenticeship, education and training.
The sponsor recognizes DAS authority to regulate an approved program. Any proposed
additions or changes to a registered apprenticeship program or its standards must be
submitted to DAS for consideration and approval before proposed additions are implemented
by a sponsor. Changes are binding on apprentices, sponsors, training providers, and anyone
else working under an agreement governed by these standards. Sponsors may have to maintain
additional information as supplemental to these standards. When a standard is changed,
sponsors are required to notify apprentices and employers. If changes in federal or state law
make any part of these standards illegal, the remaining parts are still valid and remain in force.
Only the part made illegal by changes in law is invalid.
The “fillable” fields in these standards are indicated with blue bars. These fields are specific to
the individual program standards and may be modified by a sponsor. All other sections of
these standards are required and may only be modified by DAS. See the appendix of this
document for the definitions necessary for use with these standards.