Travel Advance Form Instructions
This form must be sent to the Finance Department prior to travel if:
1. Direct payments or reimbursements are needed prior to the trip
2. A travel advance is requested
It is the traveler’s responsibility to complete this form in a timely manner, especially if pre‐payments are
needed. If the form is not received by the Finance Department in enough time to issue a direct payment
through the normal vendor payment process, the traveler will be responsible for any payments and may
then request reimbursement from the city‐ either prior to the trip or upon returning.
The DOCUMENT ID# is the travel number assigned by the department or Finance Department; it
consists of the three or four‐digit department/division number, the letter “T”, the two‐digit year,
and a three‐digit sequence number.
The INFORMATION SECTION should include all required data.
The ESTIMATED COST SECTION should include all estimated costs of the trip, as well as the accounting
distribution of the budgeted funding source.
The TRAVEL ADVANCE SECTION is to be used if the traveler wants an advance for out‐of‐pocket expenses.
The minimum advance is $100.00, and will be given within five business days of departure date. Any unused
portion of the advance must be returned with 30 calendar days of returning from a trip. Advances will not be
given for pre‐payments of registration fees, airfare, room deposit, etc.
The PAYMENT REQUEST SECTION is to be used if the traveler wants the city to make any direct vendor
payments or employee reimbursements prior to the trip for airfare, registration fees, or room deposits. The
traveler should attach any necessary documentation and/or enclosures, and provide the following
1. Date the check is needed (keeping in mind the city’s payment cycle, and allowing mailing time, if
2. Name and address of payee (vendor for pre‐payments, employee for reimbursements)
3. Amount and description of cost (identify and attach enclosures)