City of Beaverton 12725 SW Millikan Way PO Box 4755 Beaverton, OR 97076
Year End Affordable Housing Tax Exemption Questionnaire
(Information collected should reflect current calendar year timeframe from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020)
1) Total number of units within the complex:
2) Number of units that qualify for tax exemption
(< 60% AMI or 80% after the first year):
3) Rents catering to low incomes households
(% AMI):
30% & Below
31% - 60%
61 %-80%
4) Total number of households on the wait list
(as of January 1, 2021):
5) Number of qualifying units that have turned over within
the program year:
Average estimated vacancy period between tenants:
What is the reason the tenant's cite in their decision to
move from the unit (if known):
Rent unaffordable
Evicted from unit
Moved to market rate
Number of units that have a senior
(over 65 years of age) as head of household:
9) Number of families with children:
10) Number of singles: