Page 2 of 3 Revised 08/2016
A. APPLICATION FORM. Provide one (1) completed application form with original signature(s).
B. CHECKLIST. Provide one (1) completed copy of this one page checklist.
C. WRITTEN STATEMENT. Submit three (3) copies of a detailed description of the proposed
In the written statement, please provide:
Individual findings specifically addressing how and why the proposal satisfies each of the
criterions within the appropriate Approval Criteria Section of Chapter 40 of the Development
Code (ORD 2050), attached.
Hours of operation, total number of employees, and maximum number of employees per shift.
Length of time the structure(s) are proposed to remain on site.
Type of sales stand or building to be used.
Detailed description of the proposed use including type of sales and products.
D. FEES, as established by the City Council. Make checks payable to the City of Beaverton.
E. BUSINESS LICENSE. Provide one (1) copy of business’s current City business license.
F. SITE PLAN: Submit three (3) copies of a current site plan of the entire property. If the plan is not
to scale, it must be fully dimensioned. Label and show the location of:
property lines
vision clearance areas
proposed sales area or building
existing buildings on site
surrounding development adjacent to the
proposed use
existing and proposed parking areas and
their access
G. FOOD VENDING LICENSE. Provide one (1) copy of current license from Washington County.
H. FIREWORKS LICENSE. Provide one (1) copy of current license from appropriate state and/
or local agency.
I have provided all the items required by this one (1) page submittal checklist. I understand that any
missing information, omissions, or both may result in the application being deemed incomplete, which
may lengthen the time required to process the application.
Print Name Telephone Number
Signature Date
Community Development Department
Planning Division
12725 SW Millikan Way / PO Box 4755
Beaverton, OR. 97076
Tel: (503) 526-2420 ● Fax: (503) 526-2550
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