Updated 8/25/2017
Discuss w/ teacher Verify accompanist, guest performersComplete this form (research composer info)
Enter your program selections below, using correct format Perform jury
Obtain teacher signatures Submit form to the Music Office (Music Administrative Assistant)
Your Name (for program):
Other Performers and instruments? (Faculty approval required)
Recital Day/Date:
Recital Time:
Recital Location:
Did you submit a recording contract?
Are you seeking a degree in Music Performance?
LIST YOUR PROGRAM: (Include titles, movts., arr./composer, birth/death dates, length of time, and performers)
See NEXT PAGE for additional guidance.
Continue on Reverse if needed…
Applied Teacher Approval:
Additional Performer Approval:
Satisfactory ___ Unsatisfactory ___
Signature 1:
Signature 2:
Signature 3:
Yes No
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Daniel Recital Hall
urman usic
Updated 8/25/2017
Page 2….
How to list the program info…. See sample programs for more details.
1. List complete published composition titles, with opus numbers, thematic index numbers (e.g.,
K. 595), dates of the composition or premiers if relevant to the performance, etc.
2. List complete names of composers to the right of the piece: First name, Middle initial, Last name.
Any movements or additional works by that composer are listed on the next lines. You do not re-list
the composer’s name if playing several different selections by that person as a set. (See vocal
program.) Ask your private teacher if any questions.
3. Research composer birth-death dates via a reputable database (NOT Wikipedia). It is appropriate
to write “b. 1956” for a living composer rather than “1901- ?” as if waiting for him to die so that
you can fill in the blank. If you are the composer, list your birth year: b. 1997 below your name.
4. Below the composer’s name, list the names of editors, arrangers, etc. (“arr. by Jay Bocook,” “trans.
by W. Stokowski,” etc.)
5. List movements if the piece has movements, or segments. Sometimes it is better to give several,
or even all, of the tempo indications that occur in a movement, with the indications set off from each
other by hyphens (column 1: Allegro-Presto). Never number movements unless they are definitely
part of the movement title (column 2 and 3). If not clear based on the printed music, research how
the works are listed on published CDs, iTunes, etc. Verify with your teacher.
Adagio I. Dulce 1. Sky
Allegro-Presto II. Gavotte 2. Water’s Edge
6. Program Notes are normally expected of vocalists and not expected of instrumentalists,
unless requested by your teacher. The music office prepares and prints your notes. Research
carefully, ask your teacher to proof read, then email the notes to Emily Sweezey. See the Music
Handbook for additional guidelines. Only office-prepared materials may be distributed at a
department recital / ensemble event.