A LIFE MEMBERSHIP is entered in the name of an individual and is in no instance transferable.
If this subscription is to be treated confidentially, please indicate to whom all correspondence should be directed.
2017 – 2018
Club No.: _______________________________ Date:______________________________
Club Name:__________________________________________________________________
Please enroll as a Life Member:
Name: ______________________________________ Member No.: ___________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________ State/Province: _____ ZIP/Postal Code: ___________
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State/Province: _____ ZIP/Postal Code: __________
Telephone No.: ( ___________ ) _________________________________________________
Full payment enclosed
($480.70 U.S. Funds or the Canadian dollar equivalent) (10 x annual dues)
Down payment enclosed(minimum $240.35 U.S. Funds or the Canadian dollar equivalent)
Partially paid Life Member(Balance Due)
Club check enclosed
Personal check enclosed
Club will pay balance
Recipient will pay balance
All payments, whether complete or partial, should be directed to Life Membership Department,
Optimist International, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.
In Canada, 5205, boul. Métropolitain Est, bureau 200 Montréal (Québec) Canada H1R 1Z7
At the International Convention in 1936, the enthusiasm of a few farsighted
Optimists led to the development of one of the most prestigious and
helpful programs in which any Optimist may engage...the Life Membership
Plan.At its inception, the plan was designed to provide funding for the
expansion of Optimist Club activity through development of new Clubs;
while serving as an honor to those Optimists who either chose to purchase
a Life Membership or for whom others wished to make the purchase out of
respect, as recognition, serve youth in the community.
Since 1936, the program has grown until now there are over 21,000
Optimists who proudly claim Life Member status and each year
approximately 150 new Life Membership go into effect.
When a Member becomes a Life Member, it is both an investment in the
future of Optimism and an honor and privilege to the Life Member.
The contribution to Optimist International growth and development is
clear, for the Life Member Plan provides a substantial sum annually to the
net monies available for financing growth programs (both New Club and
growth within Clubs).
The privilege and honor to the Life Member is found in recognition as a
contributing Life Member (quite often presented in recognition of service
to one’s Club) and an exemption from the portion of the Member’s dues
which is equal to what a Club pays per Member in International dues.
Any Optimist may become a Life Member, either by self-enrollment or by
enrollment as a gift from a Club, District, friend, or relative.
The form on the reverse may be used to enroll an Optimist as a Life
Member or to begin the process by filing the application and minimum
down payment as described. Questions relating to Life Membership may
be directed to the International Office.
By becoming a Life Member an Optimist demonstrates faith in Optimist
International by prepaying a portion of his Optimist Club dues.
A subscription for Life Membership is $480.70 US or the Canadian dollar
equivalent payable in full at the time of application or with a $240.35 US
or the Canadian dollar equivalent down payment, the balance to be paid
within two years. A LIFE MEMBERSHIP is entered in the name of an
individual and is in no instance transferable.
Upon completion of full payment of the subscription of $480.70 US or the
Canadian dollar equivalent, the subscriber becomes a Life Member and is
presented with a gold embossed Life Membership card and certificate.
The Member is then privileged to deduct $38.06 US or the Canadian dollar
equivalent from the Optimist Club’s annual dues, and the Club is privileged
to deduct $38.06 US or the Canadian dollar equivalent from the annual
dues paid to Optimist International. Any Optimist in good standing may
subscribe to a Life Membership; a Club or District may purchase a Life
Membership as an award for an individual Optimist; or a Life Membership
may be purchased for an Optimist by a spouse or family as a gift.
The Life Member, and NOT the Club, is responsible for assignment of Life
Member credit when a Life Member belongs to more than one Club at a
time changes his/her Club affiliation.