Springs Utilities does not warrant the security of third party email providers. Email may not be a secure means to send private information, and
customers accept any security liabilities while information is in transit. Upon receipt, Springs Utilities will secure all personal information in
accordance with internal policies and applicable laws.
PO Box 1103, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Fax: (719) 668-7288
I , as the pr
imary customer, hereby authorize Colorado Springs Utilities to
give account access and authority to the company or person listed below to act on my behalf for the managing
of utility accounts with the following level of authority (choose only one):
Full Access:
Limited Access:
Authorized to perform all limited access functions plus applying for or transferring service
on behalf of commercial customers and adding a third-party company to the account.
(dual notarization required).
Authorized to perform these functions: Making payments, negotiating payment
extensions, making billing and payment inquiries, obtaining consumption data, performing
landlord reverts, stopping service, and initiating/discussing service orders.
This consent is valid until terminated by the primary customer. I hereby release and discharge Colorado
Springs Utilities, its officers, and employees, as well as the City of Colorado Springs, from all claims and
liabilities, which Colorado Springs Utilities might otherwise incur as the result of the designation of authority
Primary Customer Granting Authorization
Name (Print): Date:
Address: Telephone:
State: County:
Signature: _______________________________________
Before me on this date, 20__ appeared:
Identified or known to me, who acknowledged this as his/her instrument.
Notary Signature:_______________________________ Seal
Company or Person Being Authorized (complete below only for Full Access requests)
Name (
Address: Telephone:
State: County:
gnature: _______________________________________
Before me on this date, 20__ appeared:
Identified or known to me, who acknowledged this as his/her instrument.
Notary Signature:_______________________________ Seal