to view the Stasi Records
Dear applicant,
You have the right to view the records that the Ministry of State Security compiled about you. Please
use the application form below to make your request. It can be sent to one of the counselling offices.
To assure that unauthorised persons do not gain access to records that may exist about you, you must
submit both your signature and a certificate of identity. When you present a valid ID, your local registry
office will provide you with a proof of identity that can be applied directly to the application form. The
staff of the Stasi Records Agency (BStU) can also issue the certificate of identity.
If you have any questions, please contact the BStU‘s citizen’s counselling office in Berlin or in one of the
regional offices. More information is available online at:
Additional information correlating to fields marked by a footnote is found at the bottom of the form.
Citizen’s Counselling Office
Telephone and personal consultation
Monday to Thursday: 8 am– 5 pm
Friday 8 am– 2 pm
Additional appointments can be arranged.
Postal address: 10106 Berlin
Street address: Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 31/33, 10178 Berlin
Telephone consultation: 030 2324-7000
BStU Regional Offices
Chemnitz Dresden Erfurt
Jagdschänkenstraße 52 Riesaer Straße 7 Petersberg Haus 19
09117 Chemnitz 01129 Dresden 99084 Erfurt
Tel.: 0371 8082-0 Tel.: 0351 2508-0 Tel.: 0361 5519-0
Frankfurt (Oder) Gera Halle
Fürstenwalder Poststraße 87 Hermann-Drechsler-Straße 1 Blücherstraße 2
15234 Frankfurt 07548 Gera 06122 Halle
Tel.: 0335 6068-0 Tel.: 0365 5518-0 Tel.: 0345 6141-0
Leipzig Magdeburg Neubrandenburg
Dittrichring 24 Georg-Kaiser-Straße 7 Neustrelitzer Straße 120
04109 Leipzig 39116 Magdeburg 17033 Neubrandenburg
Tel.: 0341 2247-0 Tel.: 0391 6271-0 Tel.: 0395 7774-0
Rostock Schwerin Suhl
Straße der Demokratie 2 19065 Görslow Weidbergstraße 34
18196 Waldeck-Dummerstorf Tel.: 03860 503-0 98527 Suhl
Tel.: 038208 826-0 Tel.: 03681 456-0
BStU 50-001 09.15
Please complete form in block letters!
to receive information, view documents and receive copies of records from the State Security Service
of the former German Democratic Republic
Journal number (To be filled out by the BStU!)
See explanatory notes on the last page of form.
Applicant’s personal details
Last name and all other names (underline first name) Birth date and personal identity number
Name at birth and other names
Place of birth
Current address: street address and building number, zip code, city/town
Telephone number (optional)
onfirmation of applicant’s personal details
Applicant’s data has been checked
Registry office or BStU
Agency seal/stamp
Place, date, signature
for myself
as a near relative of a missing or deceased person
to view records
to receive information
to receive copies by postal mail
to receive digital copies of records
Information needed to find records about you
all places of residence including secondary apartments until 1990 (street name and building number, zip code, town/city, please use the names
as they existed at that time)
Have you previously submitted an application?
Journal number (if known)
in Braille.
in the regional office (please indicate in cover letter).
I need material
in large print.
Applies only to correspondence from the BStU - not to Stasi records
Additional comments (to submit a request as a third party, see additional notes under item 2).
Make sure to sign the application on the back.
Information for application as a near relative of a missing or deceased person
Information about the missing or deceased
Last name and all other names
Birth date
Name at birth and other names
Place of birth
All places of residence including secondary apartments until 1990 (street name and building number, zip code, town/city as they existed at that time)
Please provide proof that the named person is missing or deceased (e.g. a copy of the death certificate or a missing person’s report).
Applicant’s family relation to the missing or deceased person
Please provide proof of family relationship (e.g. a copy of the birth certificate).
In the field below please indicate credibly your justified interest in viewing records about the missing or deceased person.
Relatives up to the third degree when relatives listed in item 4.2 are not available
Great Grandchildren
urpose of application
Protection of privacy rights
Clarifying the fate of a mssing/deceased person
Please make the purpose of the application credible in the text box below.
omments concerning justified interest (item 4.2) or purpose of application (item 4.3)
If the space provided here is not sufficient, please use a seperate sheet.
Reasons for urgency of application
Averting infringement of personal privacy
Exonerating someone accused of having cooperated with the State Security Service
other reasons
Please list reasons for or provide proof of urgency.
Note on fees
The BStU charges a fee for providing copies. Employees or beneficiaries of the State Security Service are also charged
for viewing records and receiving information.
Place, Date
Applicant’s signature
Additional information correlating to footnotes in application
: Applicant’s personal details
To facilitate thorough research and avoid mistakes, please provide all names, including all first names, your
name at birth as well as names that you had in the past (e.g. from previous marriages), your birthdate or PKZ
(personal code in the former GDR) and place of birth.
This information is used to confirm your identity.
: Application
When submitting an application for yourself, please fill out items 2, 3, and 5.
If you are submitting an application as a near relative of a missing or deceased person, please fill out items 2, 4
and 5.
: Application for yourself
The Stasi Records Act (StUG) distinguishes between records of the State Security Service about persons con-
cerned, third parties, beneficiaries and employees of the State Security Service. This distinction plays a role in
determining the scope of access rights and whether fees are charged.
Persons concerned refers to persons about whom the State Security Service collected personal data through
deliberate, including secret, information-gathering or spying measures.
Employees of the State Security Service refers to official employees and unofficial collaborators.
Beneficiaries refers to persons who were substantially assisted by the State Security Service, or who at its
behest were protected from prosecution for a criminal act, as well as persons who planned or committed crimi-
nal acts with the knowledge, connivance or assistance of the State Security Service.
Third party refers to other persons about whom the State Security Service collected personal data, but for
whom deliberate information-gathering did not take place and individual files were not created.
Information on submitting an application as a third party:
Information may also exist about you in the records that the State Security Service compiled on other persons.
In these cases you qualify as a third party and as such may apply for expanded right to access the records. To
do this you must submit the complete name, birth date and place of residence of the person whose records you
believe may contain information about you. Information will only be provided when the amount of effort this
would require is not disproportionate to your right to receive information. It is therefore important that you ex-
plain why you believe that information about you may be found in records concerning another person.
: As a near relative to a missing or deceased person
According to the Stasi Records Act, near relatives are spouses, children, grandchildren, parents and siblings.
Relatives up to the third degree may apply to view records when no near relatives are available.
To : Accessing copies online
: Information needed to find records about you
The State Security Service of the GDR maintained a district administration and district office in each of the for-
mer districts and information was gathered there. For this reason it is important that all addresses (including
secondary apartments) until 1990 are provided with the street names as they existed at that time (even when
there was a change of address within a district).
Additional information that may be useful to finding records include:
the time and place that the believed spying took place, time, place and reason of a court sentence, information
about the prison sentence, information about worksites/functions, other references to places and people, desti-
nation of travel and visits within the GDR.
After receiving your application, we will send you a confirmation of receipt by postal mail, including a journal
number. As soon as the documents are available, a password and the link for downloading the documents will
be sent to the e-mail address you have provided. Please use the journal number sent to you by postal mail as
your username.
: Information for application as a near relative of a missing or deceased person
Near relatives (spouses, children, grandchildren, parents and siblings) may receive access to records about a
missing or deceased person when they provide a credible and justified interest and when no overriding legiti-
mate interests of others are affected.
If no near relatives are available, then relatives up to the third degree (grandparents, uncles, aunts, nieces,
nephews and great grandchildren) may also receive access to records for the purpose of rehabilitation, protec-
tion of privacy rights and clarifying the fate of missing / deceased person.
Access cannot be granted when the missing or deceased person left behind other provisions or when other
circumstances indicate that this would have been contrary to his wishes.
: Information about the missing or deceased person
Please provide all names, including first names, name at birth and other past names (e.g. from previous mar-
riages) of the missing or deceased person.
The State Security Service of the GDR maintained a district administration and district office in each of the for-
mer districts and information was gathered there. For this reason it is important that all addresses (including
secondary apartments) until 1990 are provided with the street names as they existed at that time (even if there
was a change of address within a district).
Please include proof that the person about whom you are submitting the application is missing or deceased
(e.g. a copy of a death certificate or a missing person’s report).
: Applicant’s family relation to the missing or deceased person
Please indicate your family relationship to the missing/deceased person by ticking the correct box and including
proof. Suitable proof includes copies of civil status certificates (e.g. a birth certificate).
As a near relative you must present a credible and justified interest and show coherently that you intend to use
these records to re-examine events or state measures related to the GDR regime. Please provide precise in-
formation about the circumstances to be clarified. You may write your comments in the area provided or on a
separate sheet.
: Relatives up to the third degree
Please indicate your family relationship up to the third degree and include proof. Suitable proof includes copies
of civil status certificates. Please show credibly that no near relatives as listed in item 4.2. are available.
As a relative up to the third degree, you may only receive access to records for the purpose of rehabilitation,
protection of privacy rights and clarifying the fate of missing/deceased persons. Please tick the appropriate box.
You must present the purpose of your application credibly (e.g. by presenting certificates or written statements)
and explain the relevance to the activities of the State Security Service. Please use the space provided or a
separate sheet. A general interest in viewing records is not sufficient grounds for receiving access.
: Reasons for urgency
Under certain circumstances it is possible for applications be handled with priority, shortening the waiting period.
This special urgency must be justified. Please list the reasons or provide copies of proof.
: Note on fees
Fees and expenses are determined in the Stasi Records Act and Cost Ordinance
(StuKostV). It can be found on the BStU website