Please read the information below before completing the Graduation Application
Graduation/Diploma Fee(s) – Pay the fee(s) at the Bursar’s Office before submitting the
form to the Office of Graduate Studies (River Front Center, Room 215). Please read the information
below before completing the graduation application.
ue Dates: Return this form to the Office of Graduate Studies by the date noted below, if you want to
have your name in the Commencement program:
Fall G
raduation: October 1
Spring / Summer Graduation: February 1
Changes to Graduation Application - Make a copy of this application for your records. If you have
changes, please download the form from the Office of Graduate Studies website:
Approved Advancement to Candidacy - If you do not have an approved Advancement to Candidacy
form on file with the Office of Graduate Studies, your Application for Graduation will be returned to you.
hange in Graduation Date: If you do not graduate the semester you specified on the application,
then you must submit a Graduation Date Change form to the Office of Graduate Studies, River Front
Center, Room 215. An additional fee may be required.
Change in Course Work – A Petition for Exception is required if you have made changes in any
course work listed on your Advancement to Candidacy. Also, be sure you have listed and enrolled in
the correct culminating requirement and units (i.e., SUBJ 500 or Ed.D. 617). You must be currently
enrolled in the term you graduate.
iploma Mailing Address- You will receive your diploma approximately four (4) months after
ote: If your address is different than the one listed on this form, you must file a "Data Change Form"
with the Office of Graduate Studies or update your records on your My Sac State account.
pproval Signature – Obtain the signature of your Graduate Coordinator, Department Chair or Faculty
Advisor (Special Majors will require the signature of the faculty sponsor) and one additional committee
ommencement Participation - If you wish to participate in commencement, please contact the ASI
Business Office located on the 3
rd floor of Sequoia Hall, room 311 (278-7916) at least one (1) month
before commencement for cap and gown information.
pdated: 10/2017