February 2019
1. P
Prior to submittal of an application, a pre-application meeting with City Staff is required. A completed pre-application
form and sketch plan drawing need to be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Meetings are held
on Tuesday afternoons and there is a $300 fee for the first required pre-application meeting. The fee will be applied
towards the Site Plan Review Application fee if the application is filed within one year.
2. A
Submission of a completed application form, with a plan and narrative statement required by page 2 of the
application form, and payment of the application fees are required before the review process begins. The application
and fees shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department during regular business hours. The fee for
this application is $1,050. If the cost to the City does not reach the amount of the fee paid, the excess fee will be
refunded to the applicant after the file is closed. If during the processing of the application, the costs to the City
exceed 75% of the fee paid, the applicant will be required to pay an additional 50% of the fee amount, to assure that
there are adequate funds to continue to process the application.
3. R
The Planning and Development Director will review the submitted application for completeness and, within 30 days
from the date of submittal, determine if the applicant has provided all required information. If the application is
incomplete, the Planning and Development Director will notify the applicant of the items which need to be submitted.
Once the application is deemed complete, the Director will schedule a hearing before the Stayton Planning
Commission. Planning Commission meetings are regularly scheduled for the last Monday of the month.
4. S
Once a hearing date is set, the Planning and Development Director will prepare a staff report and draft order
summarizing the applicant’s proposal, the decision criteria, comments from other agencies or the public, and address
whether the application complies with code requirements or suggest conditions to meet those requirements. A copy
of the staff report and draft order will be provided to the applicant no less than 7 days prior to the public hearing.
5. P
Prior to the public hearing, notice is required to be sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the property 20 days
before the hearing, so the hearing will be scheduled at the first regular meeting following the notice period. The
hearing is to give all interested parties an opportunity to comment on the application. The hearing is conducted by
the Chairperson in accordance with the Stayton Public Hearing Rules of Procedure. These rules are available at City
At the conclusion of the hearing and deliberation, the Planning Commission will adopt an order stating the decision
criteria, findings of fact, conclusions whether the application meets any applicable standards and the Commission’s
decision. The Commission may decide to deny, approve, or approve the application with conditions.
6. P
An application may be called up by, or appealed to the City Council. If called up, the Council will also conduct a public
hearing. If appealed, the Council will decide whether to hear the appeal and hold a public hearing. A notice is
required 10 days prior to the hearing which will be held at the regular Council meeting, which meets the first and third
Mondays of every month. Staff reports, Planning Commission findings, and any new information will be presented to
Council for consideration. The purpose of the hearing is to receive further public testimony, to review the application
and consider the Planning Commission’s decision and conditions. Generally, the Council will make a decision at the
conclusion of the hearing process, but may delay the decision for further information or action by the applicant. The
Council will then adopt an order either approving or denying the application.
7. A
February 2019
Council actions may be appealed to the State Land Use Board of Appeals pursuant to ORS 197.805 through 197.855.
8. F
Call or write to City of Stayton Planning and Development Dept., (mailing address) 362 N. Third Avenue, (building
address) 311 N. Third Avenue, Stayton, Oregon 97383. (503) 769 2998; email: dfleishman@ci.stayton.or.us.
February 2019
This checklist has been prepared to assist applicants in submitting an application that includes all the submission
requirements in Sections 17.12.220 and 17.26.050. Please note that this checklist may paraphrase the requirements from
the Code. It is the applicant’s responsibility to read and understand the requirements of the Code. Review of an
application will not begin until a complete application has been submitted. If you have questions, contact the Planning
Property Owner Authorization: If the applicant is not the owner of the property, the application must
include written indication of the applicant’s right to file the application. This may be a purchase and sale
agreement, an option or other document that gives the applicant some legal interest in the property. If
the applicant is to be represented by another individual (planning consultant, engineer, attorney) the
application must be accompanied by a notarized statement certifying that the applicant’s representative
has the authorization of the applicant(s) to file the application.
A plan showing the boundary lines of the property as certified by a professional land surveyor.
Three copies of the site plan at a scale of 1 inch equals not more than 50 feet and 7 reduced copies of the
plan sized 11 inches by 17 inches with the following information included or accompanying the plan.
North point, graphic scale, and date of preparation of the proposed site plan.
Names and addresses of the landowners, applicant, the engineer, surveyor, land planner, landscape
architect, or any other person responsible for designing the proposed site plan.
An appropriate space on the face of the plan to indicate the action of the Planning Commission, including
the date of decision.
Map number (township, range and section) and tax lot number of the parcel.
The area of the property in acres or square feet.
The location, widths, and names of existing or platted streets or other public ways (including easements)
within or adjacent to the property.
Existing buildings and the addresses for the buildings.
Topography of the site with contour intervals of not more than 2 feet.
The location of existing sewerage systems for the property.
The location of water mains, culverts, drainage ways, or other underground utilities or structures within
the property or immediately adjacent to the property.
Predominant natural features such as water courses (including direction of their flow), wetlands, rock
outcroppings, and areas subject to flooding or other natural hazards.
A stormwater management plan.
If the proposal will create 500 square feet or more of new impervious surface, then the application shall
include a preliminary drainage impact analysis. The analysis shall include a preliminary drainage map and
narrative which identifies the impact the development will have on existing stormwater systems. The
narrative shall at a minimum include and discuss:
The anticipated pre-development and post-development stormwater runoff flow rates.
The proposed method for handling the computed stormwater runoff, including the location and
capacity of all natural or proposed drainage facilities.
The method of discharging stormwater offsite at the naturally occurring location and any anticipated
design provisions needed to control the velocity, volume, and direction of the discharge in order to
minimize damage to other properties, stream banks, and overall stormwater quality.
A proposed plan for means and location of sewage disposal and water supply systems in accordance with
the City’s Wastewater and Water Master Plans.
A landscaping plan (See section for details).
The location of parking facilities for the site including any parking areas shared with adjacent uses by
February 2019
This is a quasi-judicial application in which the applicant has the burden of proof. According to law, the
applicant must present to the decision maker facts, evidence, analysis, and justification for each and every
decisional criteria in order to carry out that burden of proof. It is important to remember that there is no
assumption that the applicant is entitled to this approval. The burden of proof lies with the applicant to
prove how the proposal complies with the land use ordinances, not with the City of Stayton.
reciprocal access agreement.
The location of any proposed structures including the ground coverage, floor area and the proposed use.
The location and dimensions of open storage areas or outdoor storage yards.
The location of any free-standing signage.
The location of any proposed screening including fences, walls hedges and berms.
Vicinity Map: The vicinity map may be drawn on the same map as the site plan. All properties, streets,
and natural features within 300 feet of the perimeter of the parcel shall be shown on the vicinity map.
Building elevations of all building façades drawn to a scale of ¼ inch = 1 foot or
inch = 1 foot with the
following information.
Siding materials listed.
Elevations include any accessory structures such as trash enclosures.
Outlines of existing surrounding buildings with building heights detailed.
A lighting plan that includes:
The location of all existing and proposed exterior lighting fixtures.
Specifications for all proposed lighting fixtures.
Proposed mounting height.
Analyses and illuminance level diagrams.
Relevant building elevations showing the fixtures, the portions of the walls to be illuminated, the
illuminance levels of the walls, and the aiming points for any remote fixtures.
Either a Transportation Assessment Letter or a Transportation Impact Analysis. A Transportation Impact
Analysis is required if:
1) The development generates 25 or more peak-hour trips or 250 or more daily trips.
2) An access spacing exception is required for the site access driveway(s) and the development
generates 10 or more peak-hour trips or 100 or more daily trips.
3) The development is expected to impact intersections that are currently operating at the upper limits
of the acceptable range of level of service during the peak operating hour.
4) The development is expected to significantly impact adjacent roadways and intersections that have
previously been identified as high crash locations or areas that contain a high concentration of
pedestrians or bicyclists such as a school.
The Transportation Impact Analysis shall be based on the standards and requirements in Section
17.26.050. If a Transportation Impact Analysis is not required, a Transportation Assessment Letter shall
be submitted that meets the requirements of The Public Works Director may waive the
requirement for a transportation assessment letter if a clear finding can be made that the proposed land
use action does not generate 25 or more peak-hour trips or 250 or more daily trips and the existing and
or proposed driveway(s) meet the City’s sight-distance requirements and access spacing standards.
Submission of all materials in an electronic format is encouraged.
Stayton Municipal Code Title 17, Land Use and Development, is available online at: www.staytonoregon.gov
. Click on
the Document Center tab and select Municipal Code.
February 2019 Page 1 of 3
Phone: ( ) - Email:
Phone: ( ) - Email:
Phone: ( ) - Email:
CONSULTANTS: Please list below planning and engineering consultants.
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City/State/Zip: City/State/Zip:
Phone: ( ) ________- ____________________ Phone: ( ) __________-
Email: Email:
Select one of the above as the principal contact to whom correspondence from the Planning Department should be
owner applicant applicant’s representative planning consultant engineer
Street Address:
Assessor's Tax Lot Number and Tax Map Number:
Closest Intersecting Streets:
Application received by: Date: Fee Paid: $ Receipt No.
Land Use File#________________
click to sign
click to edit
February 2019 Page 2 of 3
The Stayton Planning Commission, with assistance from the Planning Department and the Public Works Department
will use the information provided by the applicant to analyze the merits of this application. A decision to approve or
deny the application is made based on how well the applicant presents information to show the application meets
the standards and criteria set forth in the Stayton Land Use and Development Code Please provide the
following information in full and attaché to this application.
1. A
DEQUATE UTILITIES: How will the development obtain or maintain adequate utility systems (including water,
sewer, surface water drainage, power, and communications), and connections, including easements, to properly
serve the subject property in accordance with accepted City standards?
a. How will the applicant assure there are adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities available to
serve the proposed development?
b. List public services currently available to the site:
Water Supply: - inch line available in Street.
Sanitary Sewer: - inch line available in Street.
Storm Sewer: - inch line available in Street.
Natural Gas: - inch line available in Street.
Telephone: is (or) is not available in Street.
Cable TV: is (or) is not available in Street.
Electrical: is (or) is not available in Street.
c. Will existing City public services need to be replaced or upgraded to accommodate the demands created
by the development?
2. T
RAFFIC CIRCULATION: How will the development provide for safe and efficient internal traffic circulation, including
both pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic, and provision for safe access to and from the property to those public
streets and roads which serve the property?
3. S
TREET IMPROVEMENTS: How will the development provide for all necessary improvements to local streets and
roads, including the dedication of additional right-of-way to the City and/or the actual improvement of traffic
facilities to accommodate the additional traffic load generated by the proposed development?
4. P
ARKING AND LOADING AREAS: How will the development provide for parking areas and adequate loading/unloading
5. O
PEN STORAGE AREAS/OUTDOOR STORAGE YARDS: Are there any open storage areas or outdoor storage yards included
in the development? If yes, how will they meet development code standards?
6. O
FFSITE IMPACTS: How will the development minimize off site impacts such as noise, odors, fumes, or other
7. D
ESIGN STANDARDS: How does the proposed development meet the applicable design standards for commercial or
multi-family residential development?
8. C
OMPATIBILITY WITH NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES: How will the design and placement of buildings and other structural
improvements provide compatibility in size, scale, and intensity of use between the development and
neighboring properties?
9. D
ESIGN WILL SERVE INTENDED USE: How will the location, design, and size of the proposed improvements to the site
fulfill the intended purpose of the intended use of the site and will properly serve anticipated customers or
clients of the proposed improvements.
10. L
ANDSCAPING: How will the proposed landscaping prevent unnecessary destruction of major vegetation, preserve
unique or unusual natural or historical features, provide for vegetative ground cover and dust control, and
present an attractive interface with adjacent land use and development?
February 2019 Page 3 of 3
11. SCREENING: How will the design of any visual or physical barriers around the property (such as fences, walls,
vegetative screening or hedges) allow them to perform their intended function while having no undue adverse
impact on existing or contemplated land uses.
12. M
AINTENANCE: What continuing provisions are there for maintenance and upkeep of the proposed development?