Reporng Form for Confirmed Cases of COVID 19
The informon requested below will be used to inform the College Administraon of poten
exposure of conrmed cases of COVID-19 at Capital Community College, and it may be
shared with the local Department of Public Health. Your report and ppon is voluntary, but it is
l to the College’s eorts to control the spread of COVID-19 at the College and within the
community. Although this form requests your name and other personally idenable informon,
that informon may be shared only with the Department of Public Health.
By providing this informon to the College, I consent to its use as described above.
Please email with any quesons.
Have you tested pove for COVID-19?
Where was the test performed?
Check one: Student Employee
myCommNet ID:
(ex: @ 00815719)
What date was the test performed?
What date did you receive the test result?
What date did you begin to experience symptoms?
What date were you on our  campus?
Which building(s) and room(s) were you in?
Were you in close contact (within 6 feet or closer, for more than
15 minutes) with anyone at CCC during thme?