Zoning Information Request Form
This form will assist staff in providing information regarding zoning requirements.
Please provide the following information and submit this form in office, by emailing
to bbarnes@savannahga.gov or cteshome@savannahga.gov or by faxing the form to
912.525.1562. We normally respond within five business days with an answer or a
request for additional information. Additional information may require the
issuance of a Zoning Confirmation Letter that is currently $50 and/or the submittal
of an Application for a Building Permit, Certificate of Occupancy Application, Site
Plan Application, and/or a Zoning Board of Appeals Application, etc. to be
submitted with the required documents/plans and application fees.
Project Address: PIN:
Contact Information: Name: Phone:
Address: City/State/Zip:
Email Address: Fax:
Please describe in detail the information requested, including the proposed or
intended use/activity. Use or activity means any activity including the dominant
activity and all other activity conducted at the project address. You may use the other
page to add more information.
For Office Use Only
Zoning District: Use: Reviewed By/Date:
Response Provided By: Email Phone Letter Other: _________
Form Revised 10.13.2020