Foreign Domicile*
Address City Country Postal Code
Prior Foreign
Foreign Employer
Note: Your foreign address will be used on the tax return unless your residency ended after January 1 of this year.
U.S. RESIDENCE INFORMATION (Home maintained in the U.S. while abroad)
Did you maintain a home in the U.S. while abroad? Yes
Street Address
Name of Current Occupant Relationship City
Is the property rented?
State Zip
Job Search
Due to the instability of the airline industry, more and more of our clients are having job search related expenses. Your cost of fi nding a job within the airline industry is deductible. What does
this mean? The job search expenses of fi nding another position within the same industry are deductible, the job search expenses of looking outside of the airline industry are NOT deductible.
This is one of those IRS regulations that sometimes does not make sense. If you are a fl ight attendant and update your resume or fl y to an interview, these expenses are deductible. If you
do the same for another position outside of the industry, such as a retail position or professional job, these expenses may not be taken as a deduction.
Several of our clients have requested a deduction for the purchase of a new suit or professional attire for the interviewing process. Although this is an additional expense to you, it is not
a recognized deduction by the IRS. The only type of clothing that is deductible is that which has a company logo or insignia, such as a uniform.
Qualifi ed Job Search Expense Amount
Resume Expenses
Fax/Postage/Overnight Delivery
Airline Job Placement Services
Application Fees
Simulator Prep Time for Interview
Qualifi ed Job Search Expense Amount
Airfare for Interview
Airfare for Physical
Hotel Expense for Interview
Hotel Expense for Physical
If you drove to your interview or physical, list the
total miles driven round trip for all.
Have you ever fi led form 2555 to claim the foreign Yes No
income earned income exclusion? If yes, what year:
Date Foreign Residence Began
Date Foreign Residence Ended
Principal Country of Employment
Of What Country are you a Citizen/National?
Do you own or rent your foreign abode?
Own Rent
Type of Visa Issued to you?
Have you submitted a statement to the authorities of the foreign
country where you claim bona fi de residence that you
are not a resident of that country?
Are you required to pay income tax to the country where you
claim bona fi de residence?
If a foreign Income Tax Return was fi led, No
please provide a copy with the relevant information translated to English.
Total Foreign Tax Paid Jan. 1–Dec. 31 of 2014 (In U.S. Dollars)
At any time during 2014, did you have an interest in, or a
signature or other authority over a fi nancial account in a
foreign country, such as a bank account, securities
account or other fi nancial account?
If yes, Country name required.
If yes, did the combined value of these accounts
exceed $10,000 at any time during 2014?
If yes, did this amount exceed $50,000 at the end of 2014 or
surpass a value of $75,000 anytime during the year?
If yes you are required to fi le Form 8938 as part of your tax return.
If family members lived abroad with you during the tax year, please list
relationship (spouse, child, etc.) and duration (all year, 6 mos., etc.) for each.
This form is for United Airlines Flight Attendants only! If you
have other sources of foreign earned income, please refer to the
Foreign Income Worksheet at www.fl ightax.com/download or
call us at 317-984-5812 and we can fax/mail you a worksheet.
If you were based at a foreign domicile for any part of 2014, you
have a couple of options in fi ling your income tax return. You
can receive a credit for any taxes that you have paid to a foreign
country and/or you may qualify to claim a Foreign Income
Exclusion for a portion of the income you earned. Chances are
you will be able to take advantage of both of these situations
to reduce your tax obligation to the US.
Foreign Tax Credit: If you pay income tax to another country,
you may take a credit of this tax towards your US obligation. If
you were based in the UK we will need three pay check stubs
from you to determine the total amount of tax you have paid.
As you may know, the UK tax year is April 6th of one year to April
5th of the next. We will need your April 1st, April 15th and De-
cember 15th paystubs.
Foreign Income Exclusion: The IRS allows you to exclude income
earned while on or fl ying over foreign soil. Income earned while
fl ying over international waters or the US is tax as earned in the
US. In order to exclude the foreign portion of your earned in-
come, you must qualify as a Bona Fide Resident of a foreign
country. To qualify, you must be out of the U.S. for one complete
calendar year—January 1 to January 1. For example, if you
were not based in LHR until July of 2014, you will not be able to
fi le your 2014 Federal Income Tax Return until January 1 of 2016.
Your qualifying period to meet the Bona Fide Residency Test is
January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2016 You will need to fi le a special
extension until this qualifi cation can be met - which we can fi le
for you. You do not have to be based in the same foreign coun-
try to meet this qualifi cation, just out of the U.S. In order to claim
the income exclusion you must also pay income tax to the
foreign country where you claim residency - if that country
requires you to do so.
Duty Time Apportionment: If you qualify as a Bona Fide resident
of a foreign country, we will have to calculate the amount of
income that is taxable to the US by a process called Duty Time
Apportionment. We must have a copy of your Year End Audit
Report providing the number of trips and each destination.
Our base fee for a Foreign Income return is $259 (income exclu-
sion only) and $289 (income exclusion and foreign tax credit).