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Revised 6/14/2018 by LR
Site Street: Location (to & from):
Right-of-Way Permit Conditions
This list supplements and highlights some of the right-of-way requirements set forth in Section 11 of the Village of Wheeling Municipal Code. All requirements
listed below and in the Municipal Code are applicable to this application and to any and all persons and parties performing work authorized by this permit. The
contractor is required to review each item on the list below and to indicate his/her understanding of the information as well as to commit to notifying the owner
of this information.
Insurance – The contractor or property owner performing work within the Village’s right of-way is required to provide insurance per Section 11.12.080 of
the Village Code.
Emergency Contact - Prior to commencing the work under this permit, the permittee shall provide the Village Engineer the name and title of at least
one (1) representative with their 24 hour contact phone number in the event that an emergency should arise. The permittee shall notify the Village of
any changes to this contact.
Required Contact - The Engineering Division shall be contacted at (847) 459-2620 to schedule the inspection of all work within the right-of-way no less
than 48 hours before scheduled work. For work requiring the removal of and/or shut off of the water at the buffalo box (b-box), Public Works must be
notified 72 hours in advance.
Working Hours – Work shall be limited to Monday through Saturday from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and no work on any Sunday, or Village Observed
Holidays. Saturday work is permitted if notification is requested and approved by Village Engineer 48 hours before work commences.
Street Closures – No street or sidewalk closures shall occur without the written consent of the Engineering Division.
Drainage and Erosion Control - All drainage structures within the vicinity of the project shall be protected with an approved filter basket as determined
by Engineering. Existing drainage patterns shall be maintained by the permittee. Erosion control shall be per the approved plans or as determined by
the Village Engineer.
Equipment - No cleated equipment will be allowed on the street pavement.
Traffic Control - Traffic Control shall be in accordance with applicable sections of the “Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and
Highways (current edition)”.
Irrigation Systems –The property owner bears sole responsibility for private irrigation systems constructed in the public right-of-way. The Village takes
no responsibility for repair or replacement of damaged irrigation system while performing work within the right-of-way. The contractor will be
responsible for repairing Village owned irrigation systems on any Village owned property.
Safety - The Contractor shall be responsible for all on-site safety and drainage protection including fencing. The Contractor is responsible for
maintaining accessibility during construction for roadways and/or sidewalks.
Water Mains and Valves – Public Works shall operate and exercise all public valves, including service and buffalo boxes. A stop work order will be
issued to any contractor turning any public valves.
Cleaning and Dust Control – The work site shall be maintained in a safe and clean manner, as per Village Code.
Locates - It is the contractor's responsibility for private and public utility locates before excavation. Call JULIE at 811.
Engineering Construction Standards and Manual of Practice – available at
Boring - All directional boring to be 36" (max) depth below existing ground surface unless previously approved otherwise by the Village Engineer. All
existing utilities (at crossings) are required to be exposed prior to boring operations.
Expose pertinent utilities as determined by the Village Engineer in order to set the elevation and location of pipes, conduits, ducts and/or cable, etc in
accordance with the requirements of this permit.
Separation - Minimum separation between village utilities and the proposed system shall be three feet (3').
Restoration - All unpaved areas of right-of-way are to be restored with four inches (4") of topsoil and sod.
Approved Plans - One set of stamped approved plans shall be on site at all times.
Permittee shall be responsible for field locating their facilities within two (2) hours upon notification by the Village of Wheeling.
Permittee shall hold harmless the Village of Wheeling for any damage or malfunction that may be caused to their facilities during the installation,
maintenance, or repair of any of the Village of Wheeling facilities.
The Village may at any time require the permittee to locate and expose installed utilities.
State and County - All construction within state or county right-of-way requires a permit from that agency.
ADA Compliance - All damaged sidewalks and curbs due to this permit shall be replaced to meet all current ADA requirements.
Stop Work Order - If for any reason the above conditions, Village Code, other applicable standards and/or the approved drawings are not complied with,
the Contractor will be notified and site construction will cease. Further non-compliance may result in fines to the Contractor.