Updating Patient Population
Accurately recording a facility’s patient population is an important component of filling out
the COVID-19 Pandemic Enrollment since it shows how many patients each facility could
potentially vaccinate. When recording the total count of patients, provide the total count of
patients being served in the facility within the past calendar year. Only one patient should
be counted in the “total count of patients being served” even if they have had multiple visits
to the facility or if they have received multiple vaccines. To provide the most accurate
patient numbers as possible, it is recommended to pull information from digital patient
records system or billing, if that applies. If these resources are not available, an educated
estimate will suffice.
Below are instructions on how to adjust a facility’s patient population depending on your
enrollment status:
Enrollment In-Progress:
1) Provider can log-in to their enrollment and update this information as needed, along
with completing the remaining sections of the enrollment. The username is the
firstname.lastname of the person who registered the enrollment.
Enrollment Pending Approval:
1) A provider can call the COVID-19 Vaccine Help Desk (877) 835-7750, 8 a.m. to 5
p.m., Monday through Friday or email COVID19VacEnroll@dshs.texas.gov
to have
their enrollment unlocked in order to log-in and make the updates. In either case,
provide the following:
a. Site name and address
b. ImmTrac2 Org Code
Enrollment Approved:
1) Fill out the following form as accurately and complete as possible and email it to