AFS-760-Exam-04 (11/05)
Federal Aviation Administration
PRIVACY ACT: This information is required under the authority of Transportation Title 49 U.S.C. Section 44703 et. seq. Your request cannot be processed unless the data
below is complete. Disclosure of your Social Security Number (SSN) and/or date of birth (DOB) is optional. Refusal to furnish your SSN and/or DOB will not result in the
denial of any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law; however, failure to provide the SSN and/or DOB may result in the delay of a response or the processing of your
inquiry. Routine uses of records maintained in the system include; categories of users and the purpose of such uses i.e., to determine that airmen are certified in accordance
with the provision of the Federal Aviation Regulations; repository of documents used by individuals and potential employers to determine validity of airmen qualifications; to
support investigative efforts of Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies; supportive information in court cases concerning individual status and/or qualifications in
law suits; to provide data for the Comprehensive Airmen Information System.
Full Name (As it appears on the certificate/Please print)
(Date-of-Birth) (Place-of-Birth)
(Social Security No., Certificate No., Class of Certificate)
(Street Address, Apt./Suite No., PO Box/Rural Route No.)
(City) (State) (Zip Code)
FEES: The fees for these copies are $2 for Search of Records, $3 for Certification of a file, 25 cents for the first page,
and 5 cents for each additional page. Upon receipt of the requested complete airman file, you will be notified of the total
charges due and the options of payment.
Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing.
Signature (Typed or Printed signature is not acceptable) Date
Mail this request to:
Federal Aviation Administration
Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082
To request copies of your Medical Records, Accident and Incident, or Violation Information, please contact the appropriate
offices below:
For Medical or combined Student/Medical, For Accidents, Incidents, or Violation Information,
Please contact: Please contact:
Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Administration
Medical Certification Branch, AAM-
331 Aviation Data System Branch, AFS-620
Post Office Box 2
6200 Post Office Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082