Item Ref:
3 of 6
Cambridge CC
Works Order
Tree/Item code CostQuantityRate
Species/Work required
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Maple (Norway) (Acer platanoides)
RGL 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree to ground level
Elm (Unspecified) (Ulmus species)
RGL 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree to ground level
Pine (Scot's) (Pinus sylvestris)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Cypress (Unspecified) (Chamaecyparis species)
IVY 1 tree 0.00Sever ivy at At Crown break
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Spruce (Unspecified) (Picea species)
CR3 1 tree 0.00C/R - by 30% Reduce top by 6m approx
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRL 1 tree 0.00C/R - to clear lamp by 0.5-1m
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood Two pieces: 1over graves 2 stub at Crown break
in central are of the tree. Both at approx 6-8m up in the crown.
Elm (Unspecified) (Ulmus species)
RT1 1 tree Rem - tree leaving 1m high stump Dead elm adjacent bus shelter
and street light
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CLH 1 tree 0.00C/L - over highway to 3.5-4.5m
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Beech (Common) (Fagus sylvatica)
R2B 1 tree 0.00Rem - lower 2 branches Growing out towards the road.
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRR 1 tree 0.00C/R - roadside by Reduce the longest lateral branch by 2-3m