PO Box 700, Cambridge, CB1 0JH Switchboard: 01223 457000
Tree Works Notification Created By:
Public Scrutiny Date:
Tree Works reference number and schedule title
Wards included within planned works:
East Chesterton
Queen Ediths
Kings Hedges
Cherry Hinton
West Chesterton
Within following Council service areas:
Size of schedule based on number of trees included witihin:
( < 10 trees)
(11 - 50 trees)
( > 50 trees)
Brief description of the works
PMP Newmarket Road Cemetery
General maintenance to site. Any tree removals are small self set sycamores in
hedge lines and next to walls. There are a number of dead or moribund trees that
are quite large and on the Newmarket Road side of the Cemetery.
SGL 250-251 and 19 selfset Sycamores
SGL 110 Moribund Norway Maple
SGL 245 Moribund Norway Maple
SGL 169,151 and 152 Dead Elm adjacent Bus Stop & adjacent car park entrance
from Newmarket Road
These will certainly be replaced in coming planting programs.
Tree Works Notification
For tree works submitted under a Tree Works NotificationI refer you to Policy GM3
of the Cambridge City Council Citywide Tree Strategy 2016-2026 Part 2:
“All planned tree works will be published on the Council website and through site
notices for the community to access at least 20 working days before implementation.
The council sees this as an important tool for communicating to the local community
about tree work planned for their area and the reasons why the works are
The notification period will run for 20 days from the date of publication of the
The majority of the works contained within these schedules consists of minor
pruning to address health and safety issues, or more significant works to remove
trees that are obviously dead, dying or diseased, or replacement planting for trees
that have been removed.
A brief outline of the planned works can be found in the table shown above however;
full details of the planned works can be found within the attached schedules and
Please note: where trees are due to be felled, these are marked on site with green
Public Scrutiny
For tree works submitted for Public ScrutinyA brief outline of the planned works
which we wish to be publicly scrutinised can be found within the attached schedules
and maps which will be available for ten working days following the date of
The planned works could involve either removing healthy trees over 75mm in
diameter as measured at 1.5m above ground level and/or any tree work or batch of
works that will have a significant impact on the landscape character of an area as
assessed by an arboricultural officer. This will include crown reductions of over 30%
in branch length on trees that have not previously been reduced.
The table above provides details of the works which are open for public scrutiny,
please note that some tree works schedules may contain other works in other
service areas than those open to this level of scrutiny. The following details only
relate to the significant works considered for scrutiny. Please note: where trees are
due to be felled, these are clearly marked on site with green tape.
I refer you to Policy GM5 of the Cambridge City Council Citywide Tree Strategy
2016-2026 Part 2:
“When considering tree works on City Council land, the Council will invite resident
and stakeholder comment regarding the following kinds of work:
a) Any tree work which will have a significant impact on the character of an area.
b) Felling healthy trees of over 75mm diameter
If you wish to make a comment about any of the works proposed, please submit
them via this link: Comment on a tree work schedule. All unresolved objections to
tree work subject to public scrutiny will be determined by the relevant Executive
Item Ref:
1 of 6
Cambridge CC
Works Order
Newmarket Road Cemetery (PKS)
04 December 2019
Complete by:
Site type:
Start on/after:
Contract/Client Ref:
Item created:
Priority of works:
Order no/ref:
Tree/Item code CostQuantityRate
Species/Work required
Newmarket Road Cemetery (NEWMAX), Abbey
Sgl/1 (525644)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CLH 1 tree 0.00C/L - over highway to 3.5-4.5m
RPC1 1 tree REM - epicormics to 1m above ground level only
Sgl/5 (525660)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/6 (525656)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/14 (525680)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
CRB 1 tree 0.00C/R - to clear building by 3-4m
CRG 1 tree 0.00C/R - gardenside by 2-3m
Sgl/17 (525684)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
CRG 1 tree 0.00C/R - gardenside by 2-3m
Sgl/19 (526540)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
RKR 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree and kill root
Sgl/22 (525694)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
CRG 1 tree 0.00C/R - gardenside by 1-2m
Sgl/23 (525688)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus) rear of 50 Jack Warren Green
CRG 1 tree 0.00C/R - gardenside by 1-2m
Sgl/24 (525696)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
CLG 1 tree 0.00C/L - gardenside to 2-3m
Sgl/26 (525692)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
CRG 1 tree 0.00C/R - gardenside by 2-3m
Sgl/27 (525702)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
CRG 1 tree 0.00C/R - gardenside by 2-3m
Item Ref:
2 of 6
Cambridge CC
Works Order
Tree/Item code CostQuantityRate
Species/Work required
Sgl/62 (525872)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/63 (525876)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/73 (525788)
Ash (Manna) (Fraxinus ornus)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/91 (526084)
Maple (Norway) (Acer platanoides)
CR3 1 tree 0.00C/R - by 30% Prune to make safe. corinet cut ends of any stubs
and try to leave any woodpecker holes if safe to do so.
Sgl/93 (526060)
Maple (Norway) (Acer platanoides)
CLR 1 tree 0.00C/L - over road to 4m
Sgl/107 (526120)
Beech (Common) (Fagus sylvatica)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/108 (526116)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRR 1 tree 0.00C/R - roadside by
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood 2-3m
Sgl/109 (526112)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CLH 1 tree 0.00C/L - over highway to 3.5-4.5m
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/110 (526108)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
RFR 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree for replant
Sgl/113 (526104)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CL4 1 tree C/L to 4m
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
RTB 1 tree REM - epicormics to the first true branch
Sgl/122 (525928)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CL4 1 tree C/L to 4m
Sgl/130 (525888)
Beech (Copper) (Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea)
CL4 1 tree C/L to 4m
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/145 (526408)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Item Ref:
3 of 6
Cambridge CC
Works Order
Tree/Item code CostQuantityRate
Species/Work required
Sgl/149 (525668)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/151 (537020)
Maple (Norway) (Acer platanoides)
RGL 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree to ground level
Sgl/152 (537012)
Elm (Unspecified) (Ulmus species)
RGL 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree to ground level
Sgl/154 (526432)
Pine (Scot's) (Pinus sylvestris)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/157 (526428)
Cypress (Unspecified) (Chamaecyparis species)
IVY 1 tree 0.00Sever ivy at At Crown break
Sgl/159 (525664)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/160 (525676)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/162 (526392)
Spruce (Unspecified) (Picea species)
CR3 1 tree 0.00C/R - by 30% Reduce top by 6m approx
Sgl/163 (526388)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRL 1 tree 0.00C/R - to clear lamp by 0.5-1m
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood Two pieces: 1over graves 2 stub at Crown break
in central are of the tree. Both at approx 6-8m up in the crown.
Sgl/169 (526568)
Elm (Unspecified) (Ulmus species)
RT1 1 tree Rem - tree leaving 1m high stump Dead elm adjacent bus shelter
and street light
Sgl/170 (526360)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CLH 1 tree 0.00C/L - over highway to 3.5-4.5m
Sgl/188 (526244)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/190 (526228)
Beech (Common) (Fagus sylvatica)
R2B 1 tree 0.00Rem - lower 2 branches Growing out towards the road.
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/191 (526204)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRR 1 tree 0.00C/R - roadside by Reduce the longest lateral branch by 2-3m
Item Ref:
4 of 6
Cambridge CC
Works Order
Tree/Item code CostQuantityRate
Species/Work required
Sgl/205 (526236)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRT 1 tree 0.00C/R - by 2-3m
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/207 (526172)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/208 (526168)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/209 (526164)
Ash (Common) (Fraxinus excelsior)
RDW 1 tree 0.00Rem - deadwood
Sgl/219 (525936)
Aesculus (Red Horse Chestnut) (Aesculus x carnea)
CR3 1 tree 0.00C/R - by 30%
Sgl/220 (525932)
Walnut (Common) (Juglans regia)
CL3 1 tree C/L to 3m
Sgl/237 (525976)
Thuja (Western Red Cedar) (Thuja plicata)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/239 (525972)
Cupressus (Monterey Cypress) (Cupressus macrocarpa)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/242 (526364)
Ash (Common) (Fraxinus excelsior)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/244 (526352)
Thuja (Western Red Cedar) (Thuja plicata)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/245 (526356)
Maple (Norway) (Acer platanoides)
RT1 1 tree Rem - tree leaving 1m high stump
Sgl/250 (526580)
Maple (Sycamore Cv.) (Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leopoldii')
RKR 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree and kill root Small selfset sycamore growing next to
Sgl/251 (526584)
Maple (Sycamore Cv.) (Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leopoldii')
RKR 1 tree 0.00Rem - tree and kill root Small selfset sycamore growing next to
Sgl/256 (526304)
Lime (Unspecified) (Tilia species)
CRR 1 tree 0.00C/R - roadside by 3-4m
Item Ref:
5 of 6
Cambridge CC
Works Order
Tree/Item code CostQuantityRate
Species/Work required
Sgl/257 (526300)
Cedar (Deodar) (Cedrus deodara)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Sgl/260 (526268)
Maple (Sycamore) (Acer pseudoplatanus)
SSIVY 1 tree Sever and strip ivy up to 1 metre above ground level
Expenditure code analysis :-
Expenditure code not specified
Schedule item analysis :-
CLG C/L - gardenside to
1 tree @ 0.00
CLH C/L - over highway to 3.5-4.5m
3 trees @ 0.00
CLR C/L - over road to
1 tree @ 0.00
CR3 C/R - by 30%
3 trees @ 0.00
CRB C/R - to clear building by
1 tree @ 0.00
CRG C/R - gardenside by
6 trees @ 0.00
CRL C/R - to clear lamp by 0.5-1m
1 tree @ 0.00
CRR C/R - roadside by
3 trees @ 0.00
CRT C/R - by
1 tree @ 0.00
IVY Sever ivy at
1 tree @ 0.00
R2B Rem - lower 2 branches
1 tree @ 0.00
RDW Rem - deadwood
15 trees @ 0.00
RFR Rem - tree for replant
1 tree @ 0.00
RGL Rem - tree to ground level
2 trees @ 0.00
RKR Rem - tree and kill root
3 trees @ 0.00
Kenny McGregeor
Total cost:
Issued by:
Sheet: 6 of 6
Item Ref:
Newmarket Road Cemetery (NEWMAX), Abbey
This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright.
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings." Cambridge City Council (Licence No. 100019730)
This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright.
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings." Cambridge City Council (Licence No. 100019730) 2006.
Newmarket Road Cemetery 1
This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright.
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings." Cambridge City Council (Licence No. 100019730) 2006.
Newmarket Road Cemetery
This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright.
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings." Cambridge City Council (Licence No. 100019730) 2006.
Newmarket Road Cemetery 3
This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright.
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings." Cambridge City Council (Licence No. 100019730) 2006.
Newmarket Road Cemetery 4