Updated 08/14/2018
Traveler Information
CCC Mailbox #: Clovis, NM 88101
Trip Information
Departure Date | Time
Return Date | Time
Travel From (City, State)
Travel To (City, State)
Itemized Expenses
Per Diem: Yes No If “No” actual expenses will be reimbursed and all receipts must be provided with this form.
Expenses Paid by Traveler
Commercial Air Travel
Taxi/Shuttle/Car Service
Car Rental
Personal Auto Mileage
miles @
per mile
Registration Fees
Parking Fees/Tolls
Other (i.e. baggage & tips)
Less amount Pre-Paid by CCC
Less Travel Advance to Employee
($ Balance due CCC from Employee) or Balance Due to Employee
Traveler Signature Date
These expenses have been occurred by me in the conduct of CCC business. I understand I cannot claim reimbursement for expenses I have been reimbursed for, or
that I expect to be reimbursed in the future by another source.
Director/Department Head Signature:
Director of Finance Signature
Chief Financial Officer Signature
Purchasing Signature
*Pre-paid expenses include amounts charged to a P-Card as well as amounts paid through check requests and advances. Copies of receipts for all pre-paid expenses
must be attached to this form.
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.45
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
(Business Office Use Only)
Check # _______________________________
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
The form must be completed using Adobe Acrobat**
1. Enter the Traveler’s Information
a. Name
b. Date Reimbursement Form is being completed
c. Traveler’s “C” number
d. Traveler’s department
2. Enter the Trip Information
a. Enter the departure date (i.e. 7/13/2018) and departure time (i.e. 8:45 am)
b. Enter the return date (i.e. 7/19/2018) and the return time (i.e. 4:00 pm)
c. Travel From: Indicate the originating city and state you traveled from
d. Travel To: Indicate the destination city and state you traveled to
3. Itemized Expenses
a. Check Per Diem, Yes or No: If “No”, actual expenses will be reimbursed
4. Complete the Expenses Pre-Paid by CCC and Expenses Paid by Traveler
a. Expenses Pre-Paid by CCC
i. Pre-Paid expenses include amounts charged to a P-Card as well as amounts paid through check
requests and advances.
b. Expenses Paid by Traveler
i. All travel expenses incurred by the Traveler that have not been pre-paid nor reimbursed.
5. Enter the Less Travel Advance to Employee amount.
a. If you received a Travel Advance for this travel, enter the amount here.
b. If you DID NOT receive a Travel Advance, do not enter an amount. Leave it at $0.00.
6. Traveler needs to Sign and date.
7. Approvals The Travel Application Request Form must be signed by the:
a. Director/Department Head
b. Director of Finance
c. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
d. Purchasing for processing purposes only
Supporting Documentation Supporting documentation must be submitted with all Travel Reimbursement Forms.
Documentation includes all receipts for actual expenses occurred, to include any pre-paid expenses. If Per Diem is the
method of reimbursement, receipts for lodging and meals are not necessary; however, receipts for all other expenses
incurred are required.
Standard Email Communications | All standard email communications will be sent from purchasing@clovis.edu
1. Upon receipt of a Travel Reimbursement Form, the Purchasing Department will send out the following email
communication: (Email to Traveler with a CC to the Department Head)
Subject: Travel Reimbursement Form
[Requestor Name],
We have received your Travel Reimbursement Form. Please allow up to 48 hours to review and complete your
request. Please note that any requests for additional information may delay the process.
Thank you,
[Purchasing Signature Block]
2. Upon approval of the Travel Reimbursement Form, the Purchasing Department will send out the following
email communication: (Email to Traveler with a CC to the Department Head)
Subject: Travel Reimbursement Approved
[Requestor Name],
Your Travel Reimbursement request has been approved. You should receive payment in the amount of $
__________ within 48 hours. Feel free to contact our office should you have any questions or need additional
Thank you,
[Purchasing Signature Block]
Resources The following resources are available:
Travel Policy Guidelines for the application, submission, and reimbursement if travel. (Pathway Portal)
Travel Process A visual workflow of the completion and submission of travel requests. (Purchasing Office)
Contact: Business Office (4038)