Town of Mendon
20 Main St.
Mendon, MA 01756
Town Meeting Amendment
Select the appropriate section(s) below by marking the action you want to do.
Please print neatly and cross through all words that do not apply.
_____ I move to amend the Article
By striking the words:
And by substituting the words:
_____ I move to amend the Article
By striking in its entirety Section ( ) Paragraph ( )________________________________________
And by substituting in its place the following Section ( ) Paragraph ( )_______________________
Name (printed): ________________________________________________
Address (street): ________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
Passed___________ Unanimous___________ Date_______________________
Failed____________ Majority______________ Moderator_________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Town of Mendon
20 Main St.
Mendon, MA 01756
Town Meeting Amendment
_____ I move to amend the Article
By adding the following:
After the words:
Instructions for using this form:
Neatly print all information
Select the appropriate section to be used by marking the check box.
In the selected section, cross through all words that are not to be part of the amendment.
Fill in the identification information and signature at the bottom of the form.
Request to be recognized by the Moderator, move the amendment by reading the completed form.
Present the completed and signed form to the moderator.
General Information:
All motions to amend must be presented to the Moderator in writing.
An amendment may be made to modify either the main motion already on the floor, or in some cases
another amendment that has previously been moved.
All amendments must keep within the general scope of the originally posted warrant article. This is
referred to as “within the scope” or “within the four corners” of the article.
Town Counsel may be asked to review an amendment and present an opinion on the legality of the
amendment prior to the amendment being accepted by the Moderator for consideration by Town
Amendments should (if possible) be carefully written and reviewed prior to Town Meeting.
It is strongly recommended that the Moderator be made aware of the intention to present an amendment
well before the start of Town Meeting or as soon as possible within Town Meeting.
Passed___________ Unanimous___________ Date_______________________
Failed____________ Majority______________ Moderator_________________________