This guide-sheet is not intended to substitute nor replace the advice of legal counsel. Pursuant to Utah Code
16-10a-1533, any foreign corporation may become a domestic company by filing Articles of Domestication.
1. The Articles of Domestication shall include:
a) All the requirements applicable to:
Articles of Incorporation (Utah Code Section 16-6a-105 or 16-10a-202) except that the Articles need not
name or be signed by the Incorporators of the Foreign Company, and any reference to the Registered
Office or Agent shall be the Registered Office and Agent in Utah. Officers and Directors currently in office
at the time of filing the Articles of Domestication must be included;
b) The date and state where the subject entity was first formed, organized;
c) The name of the foreign company immediately prior to the filing Articles of Domestication;
d) Any jurisdiction that constituted the seat, location of incorporation, principal place of business, or
central administration of the corporation immediately prior to the filing of the Articles of Domestication;
e) A statement that the articles of domestication were adopted by the company's board of directors and
approved by its shareholders or members;
2. Additional filing requirements:
a) One (1) copy, signed by an authorized officer for a corporation. If the filer requests a copy of the
Articles of Domestication an additional exact copy of the filed document along with a return-addressed
envelope with adequate first-class postage must also be submitted.
b) The non-refundable processing fee of $37.00
c) You may file in person, by mail, fax, or email. Means of payment are: cash, check, credit card, or
money order payable to the “State of Utah.” If you are faxing, you must include, on a cover sheet, the
number of a VISA, MasterCard or American Express with the date of expiration & CVV #.
State of Utah
Department of Commerce
Division of Corporations & Commercial Code
Information on filing Articles of Domestication
Under GRAMA {63G-2-201
}, all registration information maintained by the Division is classified as public record. For confidentiality purposes,
you may use the business entity physical address rather than the residential or private address of any individual affiliated with the entity.
Mailing/Faxing Information:
Division's Website: