The Articles/Statement of Correction shall include:
Entity Number: _______________________________
Entity Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
The corrected filing will need to be attached to this document unless this form adequately defines correction along
with the non-refundable processing fee of: $12.00;
(1) Any domestic or foreign entity may correct a document filed with the division if the document:
(a) contains an incorrect statement; or
(b) was defectively executed, attested, sealed, verified, or acknowledged.
(2) A document is corrected by delivering to the division for filing Articles/Statement of Correction that:
(a) Name the document to be corrected, including its filing date;
(b) Specify what is incorrect and why it is incorrect;
(c) Type the correct statement;
(3) The Articles/Statement of Correction may be executed by any person who executed the document that
is corrected.
________________________________ ___________________
Signature Date
(4) Articles/Statements of Correction have the same effective date as the effective date of the document
they correct except as to persons relying on the uncorrected document and adversely affected by the
correction. As to those persons, Articles/Statements of Correction are effective when filed.
Under GRAMA {63G-2-201}, a
ll registration information maintained by the Division is classified as public record. For confidentiality purposes, the business
entity physical address may be provided rather than the residential or private address of any individual affiliated with the entity.
State of Utah
Department of Commerce
Division of Corporations & Commercial Code
Articles/Statement of Correction
This form cannot be hand written.
Authorized party must sign here after the form is printed
Mailing/Faxing Information: