Choose your major at: GSC KSC PSU UNH UNHM (select one) Please visit that institution’s website to review major options.
Choice Major: 2
Choice Major:
High School/College(s) attended:
High School/College City/State Dates Attended Graduation Date
College City/State Dates Attended Graduation Date
College City/State Dates Attended Graduation Date
College City/State Dates Attended Graduation Date
If you are currently enrolled in coursework, please list your classes below:
I am not currently enrolled in coursework.
Have you ever been judged guilty or convicted of a misdemeano
r, felony or other crime? *
Yes No
You are not required to
answer “yes” or provide an explanation if the criminal judgment or conviction has been expunged, sealed,
annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded, or otherwise ordered by a court to be kept confidential.)
Have you ever been suspended, placed on probation, or dismissed from any College or University for any academic or disciplina ry
reasons or
incurred other formal disciplinary action?*
Yes No
If you answer “yes” to either of the following questions, please attach a separate sheet that gives the approximated date of each
incident, explains the circumstances, and reflects on what you learned from the experience:
Any changes in these conditions will require you to notify the Office of Admissions within 14 days.
NH Residency: If your residency has changed since a previous application, or if you have not previously applied, you will need to make a cl aim to
in-state status with a notarized residency statement. Please contact the appropriate Admissions Office or visit their web site to request a residency
ALL Applicants: I have completed this form accurately and thoroughly. By signing below,
I authorize CCSNH and USNH, including its online
enrollment center and the institution to which I am applying, to disclose and share my education records for the purpose of facilitating my application
and enrollment.
Signature of Applicant Date
Signature of CCSNH or GSC Academic Advisor Date
Rev. 09/16
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