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N:\FAO\Policy and Procedures Financial Aid\SAP\SAP FORMS\QN2 or QL2 Appeal form.docx
Quantitative or Qualitative Appeal
Name: _________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________________
Street Address: _________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: _____________________
Email: ______________________________________________ Major: _____________________________________
Federal regulations require all financial aid recipients to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). NHTI has established
guidelines to comprehensively and cohesively measure whether a student is satisfactorily progressing towards completion of his
or her program of study. SAP includes both quantitative and qualitative measures. Standards of SAP determine continued
eligibility for aid. SAP measurements include all previous academic history, even if the student did not receive financial aid.
Statuses are updated at the end of each semester, including the Summer semester. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor
academic progress. Although the Financial Aid Office attempts to send students correspondence informing them of their status,
students who do not meet the standards will be ineligible for financial aid even if they do not receive correspondence. Details of
the SAP policy, measurements, and appeal procedures can be found online at
All coursework attempted will be evaluated when determining SAP. Student must declare a certificate or degree and only enroll
in classes that are on the approved academic advisement plan. The student is responsible for informing the Financial Aid Office
of any updates or changes to academic plan or financial aid may be canceled.
Fall Spring
Please put an X for the semester this appeal is for: Summer
STEP TWO: What prevented you from making satisfactory academic progress at NHTI?
Review examples below and check all that apply:
_____Academic (Not academically prepared; missed classes; did not complete assignments, etc.)
_____Employment (Had scheduling problems with work and classes; worked too many hours, etc.)
_____Transportation (Did not arrange for transportation; lost transportation after classes began, etc.)
_____Childcare (Did not have adequate child care in place; lost child care; could not afford child care, etc.)
_____Health (Missed classes due to recurring health issues; withdrew due to unexpected health crisis, etc.)
_____Personal (Family member’s illness; family member’s death, etc.)
_____Other please specify: