Pro Se 11 (Rev. 12/16) Third–Party Complaint
for the
__________ District of __________
__________ Division
Case No.
(to be filled in by the Clerk’s Office)
(Write the full name of each plaintiff who is filing this complaint.
If the names of all the plaintiffs cannot fit in the space above,
please write “see attached” in the space and attach an additional
page with the full list of names.)
Jury Trial:
(check one) Yes No
Defendant, Third–party plaintiff(s)
(Write the full name of each defendant/third–party plaintiff. If the
names of all the defendants/third–party plaintiffs cannot fit in the
space above, please write “see attached” in the space and attach
an additional page with the full list of names.)
Third–party defendant(s)
(Write the full name of each third–party defendant. If the names
of all the third–party defendants cannot fit in the space above,
please write “see attached” in the space and attach an additional
page with the full list of names.)
I. The Parties to This Complaint
A. The Plaintiff(s)
Provide the information below for each plaintiff named in the complaint. Attach additional pages if
Street Address
City and County
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
(if known)
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__________ District of __________
__________ Division
Pro Se 11 (Rev. 12/16) Third–Party Complaint
B. The Defendant(s)/Third–Party Plaintiff(s)
Provide the information below for each defendant/third–party plaintiff named in the complaint. Attach
additional pages if needed.
Street Address
City and County
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
C. The Third–Party Defendant(s)
Provide the information below for each third–party defendan
t named in the complaint, whether the
third–party defendant is an individual, a government agency, an organization, or a corporation. For an
individual third–party defendant, include the persons job or title (if known). Attach additional pages if
Third–Party Defendant No. 1
Job or Title
(if known)
Street Address
City and County
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
(if known)
Third–Party Defendant No. 2
Job or Title
(if known)
Street Address
City and County
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
(if known)
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Pro Se 11 (Rev. 12/16) Third–Party Complaint
Third–Party Defendant No. 3
Job or Title
(if known)
Street Address
City and County
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
(if known)
Third–Party Defendant No. 4
Job or Title
(if known)
Street Address
City and County
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
(if known)
II. Initial Complaint
A. Identify the initial complaint filed against you and the date it was filed. Describe the events that gave
rise to the plaintiff's complaint, the nature of the claims asserted, and the relief sought. Attach the
complaint as an exhibit.
B. State whether you have filed an answer to the complaint and, if so, briefly summarize what admissions
or denials that answer asserted. Attach the answer as an exhibit.
III. Third–Party Complaint
A. Describe the nature of the relationship between you and the third–party defendant. Attach any contracts
or documents showing the nature of the relationship.
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Pro Se 11 (Rev. 12/16) Third–Party Complaint
B. Explain why, if the plaintiff received any judgment against you, you will be entitled to judgment against
the third–party defendant for contribution to or indemnification for the amount of damages and costs
awarded to the plaintiff. Include the percentage of the plaintiff's recovery that the third–party defendant
will be required to contribute. Describe the facts, or relevant provisions of state law, that demonstrate
you are entitled to collect from the third–party defendant.
IV. Certification and Closing
Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, by signing below, I certify to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief that this complaint: (1) is not being presented for an improper purpose, such as to harass, cause
unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation; (2) is supported by existing law or by a
nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law; (3) the factual contentions have
evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary support after a reasonable
opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and (4) the complaint otherwise complies with the
requirements of Rule 11.
A. For Parties Without an Attorney
I agree to provid
e the Clerks Office with any changes to my address where case–related papers may be
served. I understand that my failure to keep a current address on file with the Clerks Office may result
in the dismissal of my case.
Date of signing:
Signature of Defendant/Third–Party Plaintiff
Printed Name of Defendant/Third–Party Plaintiff
B. For Attorneys
Date of signing:
Signature of Attorney
Printed Name of Attorney
Bar Number
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Pro Se 11 (Rev. 12/16) Third–Party Complaint
Name of Law Firm
Street Address
State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
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