Pro Se 1 (Rev. 12/16) Complaint for a Civil Case
b. If the defendant is a corporation
The defendant,
(name) , is incorporated under
the laws of the State of
(name) , and has its
principal place of business in the State of
(name) .
Or is incorporated under the laws of
(foreign nation) ,
and has its principal place of business in
(name) .
(If more than one defendant is named in the complaint, attach an additional page providing the
same information for each additional defendant.)
3. The Amount in Controversy
The amount in controversy–the amount the plaintiff claims the defendant owes or the am
ount at
stake–is m
ore than $75,000, not counting interest and costs of court, because
Statement of Claim
Write a short and plain statement of the claim. Do not make legal arguments. State as briefly
as possible the
facts showing that each plaintiff is entitled to the dam
ges or other relief sought. State how each defendant was
involved and what each defendant did that caused the plaintiff harm
or violated the plaintiff'
s rights, including
the dates and places of that involvem
ent or conduct. If more than one claim is asserted, number each claim
write a short and plain statem
ent of each claim in a separate paragraph. Attach additional pages if needed.
IV. Relief
State briefly and precisely what damages or other relief the plaintiff asks the court to order. Do not ma
ke legal
ents. Include any basis for claiming that the wrongs alleged are continuing at the present tim
e. Include
the am
ounts of any actual damages claimed for the acts alleged and the basis for these amounts. Include any
punitive or exemplary damages claimed, the amounts, and the reasons you claim y
ou are entitled to actual or
punitive money damages.
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