Office of Enrollment
Dear Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in the Community College of Rhode Island. Recently you submitted an Application
for Enrollment to our institution. Because we were unable to determine from your application that you have been a
resident of Rhode Island for at least one year, we assessed your tuition at the out-of-state rate. If, however, you submit
proof of one year of Rhode Island residency as a dependent or independent student, we will adjust your tuition to reflect
the in-state rate the following term. For the purpose of determining in-state and out-of-state classifications, the word
“residency” shall mean domicile: the legal, documented, true and permanent home and place of habitation. For the
unemancipated (dependent) student, the domicile will be that of the parents and/or guardians. For the emancipated
(independent) student, the domicile will be that of the student.
For proof of residency, the term independent student refers to a student who has reached the age of 18 years and whose
parents or guardians have entirely surrendered the right to the care and custody and earnings of such student; have not
claimed the student as a dependent for tax purposes for two years; do not provide regular financial assistance to the
student; and whose income was not taken into account by any agency furnishing financial education assistance to the
student including scholarships, loans or otherwise. If any of these areas are not met, the student will be considered a
dependent student.
If you are claiming recognition as an independent student (emancipated), please provide the following:
A signed copy of your federal income tax return for the most recent year.
A current rental lease (or utility bills) covering your residency at the address listed on your CCRI Application for
Enrollment showing one year of occupancy. If formal leases are unavailable, a notarized statement or receipts
from the landlord for one year may be substituted.
Your Rhode Island driver’s license and vehicle registration with an issue date that is at least one year prior to the
first day of classes.
If you are younger than 24, provide copies of your parents’ federal income tax return transcripts for the last two
years (www.irs.gov) or a notarized statement from your parents stating that you were not claimed as a dependent
on their federal income tax return for the last two years and they have no intention of such claim in the future.
If you are claiming recognition as a dependent student (unemancipated), please provide the following:
A photocopy of your parents’ latest Rhode Island state income tax return.
A signed copy of your parents’ federal income tax return for the most recent year.
Your parents’ current rental lease (or utility bills) or evidence of property ownership indicating residency at the
address listed on your CCRI Application for Enrollment showing one year of occupancy.
Both parents’ Rhode Island driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations with issue dates that are at least one year
prior to the first day of classes.
In addition to submitting documents listed above, complete all sections of the Application for In-State Residency along with
your signature and date. You are also welcome to use page 3 to write an appeal letter to the CCRI Residency Appeals
Board. Please submit by the deadline listed below to the Office of Enrollment Services at any CCRI location.
Cathy Tessier
Director of Records
Residency application deadlines per semester:
Spring (January 2021): Deadline Friday, Jan. 15
Summer Session I (May 2021): Deadline Friday, May 14
Summer Session II (June 2021): Deadline Friday, June 25
Fall (September 2021): Deadline Friday, Aug. 20
Military connected student or dependent of a military connected student. I can submit proof of VA Benets, DD214, dependency status or ocial military
orders. I understand that these documents will be reviewed to determine eligibility for in-state tuition.
My legal, documented and true and permanent home and place of habitation or domicile is (Street, City, State, ZIP Code, Country):
I certify that the information that I have provided on this application is true and correct. Further, by signing this form, I agree to
abide by the rules and regulations at and fulll all nancial obligations to the Community College of Rhode Island.
Personal data: Complete this form after you have reviewed our program listings. Please print clearly.
Previous/Maiden Name
Permanent home street address
Have you lived continuously in Rhode Island for one or more years as of the rst day of classes for this semester?
Are you a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident (Green Card) holder?
Is Rhode Island your legal and permanent state of residence?
Are you in the armed forces (or a dependent) currently stationed in Rhode Island?
If yes, please send a copy of the current military orders with assignment to Rhode Island to the Oce of Enrollment Services.
Will you be using military benets at CCRI?
No Will you be using military benets as a dependent at CCRI?
Veteran ID number _______________________________________________________ (Veteran ID number is the Social Security number of the veteran benet holder.)
Please note: Misrepresentation concerning residency and/or citizenship is grounds for immediate dismissal from the college and liability for all tuition and fees that may result.
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy)
Home telephone number
CCRI Identication number
Cell number
Email address
Date of application
Name as it appears on Social Security card or U.S. passport
Last name
First name
Middle initial
Last name
First name
Middle initial
Please complete this form to be considered for in-state residency. Failure to complete all sections will result in being
assessed out-of-state status for tuition calculation purposes. Please print clearly.
Have your parents (or legal guardian) claimed you as a dependent on their federal income tax return for the last two years?
A. If answer to the above question is Yes, please supply the corresponding forms of documentation to determine residency status.
A photocopy of your parents’ latest R.I. State Income Tax Return, including parents’ signature.
A signed copy of your parents’ federal income tax return for the most recent year, including parents’ signature.
Your parents’ current rental lease (or utility bills) or evidence of property ownership indicating residency at the address listed on
your CCRI Application for Enrollment showing one year of occupancy.
Both parents’ R.I. driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations with issue dates that are at least one year prior to the rst day of classes
B. If answer to the above question is No, please supply the corresponding forms of documentation to determine residency status.
A signed copy of your federal income tax return for the most recent year.
A current rental lease (or utility bills) covering your residency at the address listed on your CCRI Application for Enrollment showing one year of
occupancy. If formal leases are unavailable, a notarized statement from the landlord detailing dates and remittances maybe substituted.
Your Rhode Island driver’s license and vehicle registration with an issue date that is at least one year prior to the rst days of classes.
If younger than 24, provide copies of your parents’ federal income tax returns for the last two years or a notarized statement from your
parents stating that you were not claimed as a dependent on their federal income tax return for the last two years and they have no intention of such
claim in the future.
For Oce Use Only
Signature of Applicant (If under age 18, signature of parent/guardian) Date
Residency Appeal Letter – Rev Jan-19
__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________
Signature Date
You are welcome to use this page to write an appeal letter to the
CCRI Residency Appeals Board.