The library offered this as
a service prior to COVID-
19 and continues to
during this time
The library offered this as
a service prior to COVID-
19 and expanded the
service during this time
The library added this
service in response to
The library does not offer
this service at this time
Leaving on public wifi
when the building is
closed to the public
Locating wifi access
points to improve access
outside of the building
Checking out hotspots
Using bookmobile(s) to
serve as community
Other (please specify)
8. Listed below are various options for offering public internet service. For each option, indicate which
response best fits your library:
9. What are your library’s communication and public awareness activities in response to COVID-19?
Updating its web page with COVID-19 information
Using social media to share COVID-19 information
Updating its web page to share changes in library services (e.g., applying online for library card, closed book drops)
Using social media to share changes in library services
Using social media to promote library services
Using social media to promote participation in the 2020 Census
Other uses of library web page, social media or other communications
10. Are you still planning to observe National Library Week (April 19-25) in some way?
Not sure