Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your responses are appreciated.
Copy of Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Survey of Response
& Activities
System Name
FSCS ID, if known
Locate FSCS
ID at IMLS Labs
1. Public Library (Administrative Unit) Information
First Name
Last Name
2. Respondent Contact Information
3. My library system’s building(s) status is/are:
Fully closed to public and all staff
Closed to public, open for all staff
Closed except for essential staff only
Some, but not all, are closed to public and staff
Still open to public and staff
Other (please specify)
4. What factors led to the decision about your library building(s) status identified above (e.g. my library board
made the decison, the state government required closure, etc.)?
5. If any of your library buildings are closed, what is the expected length of time for the closure--to your
knowledge right now?
Less than two weeks
Between two weeks and one month
More than one month, but less that two months
More than two months
Other (please specify)
6. Please check any of the following activities that the library is conducting in response to COVID-19:
Expanding online check-out services (e.g., eBooks, music, video)
Extending online renewal policies
Adding virtual programming (e.g., storytimes, tech help)
Expanding online virtual reference/help
Expanding phone reference/help
Delivering collection items to patrons (e.g. via bookmobile)
Making curbside pick-up available at the library
7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about other current or new activities and services (e.g., 3D
printing items to help with COVID-19 response, aggregating emergency relief information for workers and
The library offered this as
a service prior to COVID-
19 and continues to
during this time
The library offered this as
a service prior to COVID-
19 and expanded the
service during this time
The library added this
service in response to
The library does not offer
this service at this time
Leaving on public wifi
when the building is
closed to the public
Locating wifi access
points to improve access
outside of the building
Checking out hotspots
Using bookmobile(s) to
serve as community
Other (please specify)
8. Listed below are various options for offering public internet service. For each option, indicate which
response best fits your library:
9. What are your library’s communication and public awareness activities in response to COVID-19?
Updating its web page with COVID-19 information
Using social media to share COVID-19 information
Updating its web page to share changes in library services (e.g., applying online for library card, closed book drops)
Using social media to share changes in library services
Using social media to promote library services
Using social media to promote participation in the 2020 Census
Other uses of library web page, social media or other communications
10. Are you still planning to observe National Library Week (April 19-25) in some way?
Not sure
Full time, MLIS
Full time, non-MLIS
11. How many types of each staff does your library employ? Please report as head count, not in FTE.
12. Does your library policy allow staff to conduct work-related activities remotely?
This has not yet been decided
13. If staff are working remotely, please share the primary work they are able to do away from the physical
library building.
Still being paid
Still being paid
hourly wage
Taking sick or
vacation time Not being paid N/A
Full-time staff with MLIS
Full-time staff without
Part-time staff
Temporary staff
Other staff, not listed
Other (please specify)
14. Please indicate how staff who are NOT working (in-person or remotely) while your building is closed are
being paid:
15. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your future planning for recovery efforts when your
library is at full capacity to serve the community?
16. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the greatest need(s) public libraries will have as they
respond to COVID 19?
17. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about actions that national or state library organizations
could do or advocate for on behalf of the library community?