@ALALibrary  @AmericanLibraryAssociation  @AmericanLibraryAssociation
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. If you were sufciently briefed on an issue or given adequate background information, would you be willing
to make an occasional contact with one or more of your elected representatives or with executive ofcials—
at the national, state or local level—to urge them to support (or oppose) a legislative proposal (or an
administrative action) that affected your library system?
Yes    Depends on the issue    No (If no, skip to Question 5.)
2. With which of the following public ofcials—many of whom represent part of the system service area—
do you have a personal relationship, and how would you characterize that relationship?
(See attached maps for districts of elected ofcials.)
UNITED STATES SENATORS Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
STATE OFFICIALS Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
Governor –
Lt. Governor –
Secretary of State –
STATE SENATORS / DISTRICT # Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
American Library Association
2019 Board Member Survey
@ALALibrary  @AmericanLibraryAssociation  @AmericanLibraryAssociation
STATE SENATORS / DISTRICT # Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
LOCAL OFFICIALS Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
Mayor –
Council Members
LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
@ALALibrary  @AmericanLibraryAssociation  @AmericanLibraryAssociation
SCHOOL DISTRICTS Close Contact Fairly Familiar We’ve Met
3. Do you know any public ofcials outside of the state? If so, please list Name, Title, and State if applicable.
Name Title State
4. Please list key opinion leaders with whom you have a personal relationship that you would be willing to
approach on behalf of the library. For example: CEOs of major corporations/organizations, civic and religious leaders,
foundation executives, trade association staff, etc.
Name Title Company
5. If you were asked to contact one or more of the public ofcials listed in Questions 2, and if you were provided
the appropriate background information, would you be willing to:
Please check all applicable responses
Write a personal letter to that person
Make a telephone call to that person
Meet individually with that person
Participate in a group meeting with that person
6. Are there any issues in which you are particularly interested and would be willing to make contacts with one
or more of the individuals identied in Question 2 on the library’s behalf?
Please check all applicable responses
State Funding
Library Levy Campaign
eBook Access
Other issues (Please specify:)
@ALALibrary  @AmericanLibraryAssociation  @AmericanLibraryAssociation
7. The media—including newspapers, television and radio—provide excellent opportunities to reach public
ofcials and the general public—and to shape public opinion on issues affecting health and well being.
To assist with interacting with the local, state, and national media, please identify any relationships (either
personal or professional) that you have and would be willing to use appropriately on behalf of the library.
Please identify publishers, station managers, editors/news directors, reporters, and any other news media personnel.
Name Title Company
8. Please list any businesses or community, civic, faith, or other organization that you have a relationship with
that may be interested in partnering with the library. For example, do you participate in your local rotary club or VFW?
9. In what other ways would you be willing to help the library to get results on important advocacy issues?
Library staff would provide you with the necessary information to accomplish the activities below.
Go to Washington D.C. for Meetings/Hill Visits.
Go to the Statehouse to meet with elected ofcials.
Attend tours of library branches with public ofcials.
Testify at a legislative hearing:
Locally In Washington
Submit an op-ed column or letter-to-the editor to a local newspaper.
Speak to local business or civic leaders/organizations. (Please list organizations that you have a relationship with).
Other (please specify):
10. To ensure that we have your correct mailing address and telephone numbers for future contact,
please indicate your information below.
Name/Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone (work): ___________________________________  Preferred  Phone (personal): ___________________________________ Preferred
Email (work): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred
Email (personal): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred
Do you regularly check your Email?YesNo
Thank you for your time. We appreciate your advocacy!