Revised 12.7.2020
Instructions for Application for Exemption for Peace Officers Enrolled in Law Enforcement or
Criminal Justice Courses
This application must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office at least one week prior to the first class day
for that specific term.
Part I
To be filled out by applicant (student). Make sure to complete all fields or application will be rejected.
Make sure you sign and date the application.
Once Part I is complete, forward the application to your employer.
Part II
To be filled out by employer.
Make sure to complete all fields or application will be rejected.
Only an authorized personnel official must certify and sign the application.
Once Part II is complete, forward application to the Financial Aid Office.
Award Amount
This exemption covers tuition and laboratory fees for courses offered as part of a law enforcement-related or criminal
justice curriculum which pertain to the major requirements of the identified programs.
Courses not directly related to law enforcement or criminal justice are not eligible for reimbursement even though they
may be required for completion of the certificate or degree.
The completed application can be faxed to (361)593-3026 or delivered to Financial Aid Office located at the Javelina
Enrollment Services in the Memorial Student Union Building.
The Financial Aid Office and the Office of the Registrar will then determine your eligibility for this exemption.
To receive a continuation award, you must meet satisfactory academic progress:
New Requirements Fall, 2014
Senate Bill 1210 (83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) adds a Grade Point Average requirement for persons to
receive continuation awards through the program. The Bill also establishes a Limit to the Total Number of Hours,
cumulative, that a student may take and continue to receive awards through this program. These changes go into effect
in fall, 2014.
For additional information regarding this program you may visit: