Application Form
Personal Informaon
Date of Applicaon
Social Security # Student ID#
Last First MI
Date of Birth
Local Address
Street/Box Number City State ZIP
Permanent Address
Street/Box Number City State ZIP
(if dierent)
Phone # Alternate Phone # Email Address
( ) ( )
Gender Ethnicity/Race (please mark ALL that apply) When did you rst enroll at LCCC?
Hispanic or Lano Black or African American
F American Indian/Alaskan Nave White
Asian Nave Hawaiian/Pacic Islander
Eligibility Informaon
Are you a cizen, naonal or permanent Do either of your parents have
resident of the United States? Yes No a four-year college degree? Yes No
Did you complete your FAFS ?
Are you receiving F
A Yes No
ederal Aid? Yes
t apply)
Pell Grant
If yes, what type? (Check all tha
SEOG Work Study Subsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Are you receiving addional funding? Yes
es, what type?
If y Scholarships DVR
Do you ha
ve a documented disability? Yes No
If yes, are you working with Disability Support Services? Yes No
Educaonal Services
Which TRIO ser t y
/Educaonal Planning
vices interes ou? (Check all that apply)
Academic Advising Movaon
Financial Aid Advising/Applicaon Assistance P sonal Advising and Men
Financial Literacy/budgeng
er toring
Academic esteem enhancement
ademic enhancement skills/online learning Time Management
Campus Ref als Study Skills/Strategies
Community Resources Test-taking Skills
Connecon to: Working with Faculty
Math Lab Career Exploraon/Planning through Career Center
Wring Center
Transfer Assistance
Other (specify)
I hereby cerfy that the informaon provided in this applicaon is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I hereby authorize TRIO to obtain necessary informaon from my educaonal record (e.g. transcripts, entrance/placement
test scores, grades, instructor contacts, etc). I also authorize TRIO to share informaon about me with other LCCC oces
(e.g. the DSS, Records, Counseling, Financial Aid, etc.) on a need-to-know basis in compliance with Family Educaon Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA). If selected into TRIO, I agree to parcipate in any acvies that may be pernent to my
academic success; to work with my TRIO Advisor to develop and implement a Comprehensive Success Plan; and to
complete the terms of my TRIO Partnership Agreement.
Applicant Signature Date
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