S:\Planning\Planning Division\Planning Div Forms\Applications\Staff - Tree Removal.docx Rev. 11/2018
Caliper inches
IV. NARRATIVE OF REQUESTED ACTION (Should address reason for removal citing standards above. Attach
additional pages if necessary)
I certify that [ ] I am the legal owner on record, or [ ] I have secured the property owner’s permission and
have full authority to make this application, and that the above information is correct and complete to the best
of my knowledge and ability.
Please read and initial below:
_____ I understand that all documents submitted with this application are subject to open records requests in
accordance with the Open Records Act / Texas Public Information Act.
_____ I understand that receipt of an application does not constitute application completeness and that staff will
review the application and return incomplete applications. I understand that application fees are non-
refundable once an application has been accepted and processed.
______________________________________________________ ____________________________
Printed Name and Signature of Applicant Date
______________________________________________________ ____________________________
Printed Name and Signature of Property Owner Date
All documents should be provided in 8.5” x 11”, or please fold to appropriate size if larger. All drawings must be to scale.
Please provide electronic copies, if available. Other pertinent information to support said request should also be attached.
[ ] Photographs – Current photographs of the tree to be removed.
[ ] Site Plan – showing location of the tree to be removed.
[ ] Arborist’s Report – indicating condition of the tree to be removed.
[ ] Tree Mitigation Plan – Mitigation shall be achieved by the planting of the same number of caliper inches
removed, payment to the tree mitigation fund, or combination thereof.
[ ] Title Report – if property was purchased within the last 60 days.
___________ The application meets all requirements of Division 9.500 Tree Preservation of the Land Development
Regulations and the subject tree may be removed.
___________ The application does NOT meet the following requirements of Division 9.500 Tree Preservation of
the Land Development Regulation and the tree may NOT be removed:
______________________________________________________ ____________________________
Development Services Department Representative Date
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