S:\Planning\Planning Division\Planning Div Forms\Applications\Planning Commission Council App - 2021.docx Rev. 01/2021
▪ Requirements per Article 4 of the Land Development Regulations
[ ] Non-Refundable Application Fee $1,200.00 (payable to the City of Galveston)
Specific Use Permit:
[ ] Site Plan Approval Information – Site Plan and supporting documents should address the following:
▪ Description of the Proposed Use – all processes and activities involved
▪ Boundaries of the area covered by the site plan, including all easements (if applicable)
▪ The location of each existing and proposed structures (and distance from property lines and adjacent buildings)
- including the number of stories, number of units, habitable floors, gross floor area, location(s) of entrances
▪ Location of existing trees and natural features (dunes, wetlands, water, etc.), and a proposed planting schedule
▪ All driveways, curb cuts, public and private streets, alleys, sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and adjacent right
of ways
▪ Parking Layout – including type of surfacing to be used on all parking and loading areas
▪ Location of Existing and/or Proposed: Signage, Fencing, Trash Receptacles, Loading Docks, Public Spaces,
Open Spaces
▪ Provision for drainage of surface water
[ ] Detailed Narrative of Request (Business Plan)
[ ] Elevations or a Site Cross-Section – to a readable scale, which indicate overall building dimensions, materials,
colors, topography, landscape, and relationship of project to natural features and adjacent properties. Include three
dimensional renderings (if applicable).
[ ] Lighting Plan – including luminaire schedule, height and style of fixtures
[ ] Landscape Plan – list quantities, species, height/caliper of trees, existing and proposed tree canopy, groundcover,
total area and percentage of landscaped area, proposed irrigation system
[ ] Traffic Impact Studies (If Applicable)
[ ] Wetland Delineation Information (If Applicable)
[ ] Non-Refundable Application Fee $1,000.00 (payable to the City of Galveston)
Street Name Change:
Requirements per Resolution No. 16-008.
[ ] Completed ‘Street Name Change – Petition Form’
[ ] Letter from the United Postal Service (USPS) verifying the proposed street name conforms to required
[ ] Written Narrative – describe historic, economic, or cultural significance.
[ ] Non-Refundable Application Fee $1,000.00 (payable to the City of Galveston)
LDR Text Change:
[ ] Detailed Narrative of Request
[ ] Supporting Documentation - Indicating that the proposed amendment:
▪ will help to implement the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or, if it addresses a topic that is not addressed or fully
developed in the Comprehensive Plan, the proposed amendment does not impair the implementation of the
adopted Comprehensive Plan when compared to the existing Land Development Regulations
▪ is consistent with the stated purposes of the Land Development Regulations
▪ will maintain or advance the public health, safety or general welfare
▪ will help to mitigate the adverse impacts of the use and development of land on the natural or built environment,
including but not limited to mobility, air quality, noise levels, stormwater management, wildlife and vegetation
protection; or be neutral with respect to these issues
▪ will advance the strategic objectives of the City Council, such as fiscal responsibility, efficient use of
infrastructure and public services, and other articulated City objectives
[ ] Non-Refundable Application Fee $1,000.00 (payable to the City of Galveston)