WHEREAS, the p·ublic Health Emergency was extended by Governor Murphy under
Executive Orders 119 and 138; and . ·
WHEREAS, under the de.clared Public Health Emergency, the Commlss1oner c;,f the
Department ofHealth Is empowered, pursuant to N.J.S.A, 26:13-12, to take all
reas.~mable and necessary me~sures to prevent the transmission of Infectious disease
and apply proper controls for Infectious dls(:3ase; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JUDITH PERSICHILLI, Commissioner offhe Department of
Health, pursuant to the powers afforded to me
under the Emergency Health Powers Act,
ORDER and DIRECT-the following:
1. Food or beverage establishments offering service at outdoor areas pursuant to
Executive Order No. 1.50 (2020) must adhere to the protocols listed below:
a. Obtain all required municipal approvals and permits before offering food
and/or beverage consumption at outdoor are~s;
b. Post signage at the entrance that states that no one with a fever or·
symptoms of COVID-19 should enter the food or bev&rage establishment:
c, Limit seating to a maxfmum of eight (8) customers per table and arrange
seating to achieve a minimum distance of ~Ix feet (6 ft) between parties;
d. ·Rope off or-otherwi•se mark tables, chairs and bar stools that are not to be
e. Demarcate 6 feet of spacing In patron waiting areas;
f. Provide physical guides, such as tape on floors, sidewalks, and signage
on w~lls to ensure that customers remain at least 6 ft apart in line for the·
restroom or waiting for ~eating;
g. Eliminate self-service food or drink options such as buffets, salad bars,
and self.,_service drink stations;
h. Disinfect all tables, chairs and any other shared Items (menus.,
condiments, pens) after ·each use; .
i. Install physical barriers a11d partitions. at oash reg_lsters, bars, host st~nds
and other area where ma]ntafnlng physical distance of 6 ft Is difficult;
J. Ensure 6 ft of physical distancing between workers and Qustomers, except
at the moment of payment and/or when employees are servicing the table;
k. Require Infection control practices, such ~s regulat liandwashlng,
coughing a"t1d sneezing etiquette, and proper tissue ·usag~ and disposal;
I. Require frequent sanitization of hlgh"touch areas llke credit catd
machines, keypads, and
counters to which the public and workers hav~
m. Plaoe conspicuous slgna9e at entrance a.tarting staff and customers to the
required 6 ft of physical distance; and
n. Require all food or bev~rage establishments to hava ·an inclement weather
policy that, If triggered, would require the food or beverage establishment