(Conflict of Interest Form)
A Transactional Disclosure form is required when someone submits certain applications to
Brookhaven Town. The purpose of the disclosure is to alert the Town if a party of influence
has an interest in this application or if someone within the Town who will participate in the
decision has an interest.
*Note: It is required that a copy of this form be sent to the Director of the Board of Ethics.
City ______________________________________ State ____ Zip _________
Telephone ____________________ Email _______________ Fax ________________
This form is for:
An individual A partnership
A corporation An association
Nature of Application:
Property Assessment Grievance for non-residential parcel Variance
Amendment Change of Zone
Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map
License or Permit affecting real property Bidding on contract(s)
Affected parcel (address) ______________________________________________________
Does any officer or employee of the Town of Brookhaven, member of an executive
committee of a political party, or his/her spouse, brother, sister, parent, child, grandchild or
spouse of any of them, have an interest in this application by virtue of being the actual
applicant, being the owner of the actual property or having an interest in the corporation,
partnership or association making such application? Yes ____ No ____
If Yes, complete the appropriate section below.
If No, sign and date at end of form.
Please complete the following relevant section below:
For individual:
Interested Party:
Name______________________________Address ___________________________
City ______________________________________ State ____ Zip _________
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