TIMS Web Account Access
Application Manual
United States Department of the Interior
Information Technology Division
November 2012
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
What is TIMS Web ..................................................................................................................... 1
Links in this document ................................................................................................................ 1
Purpose of this manual ................................................................................................................ 1
Help Desk.................................................................................................................................... 1
TIMS Web Access Types .............................................................................................................. 1
1. Administrator: ............................................................................................................................... 1
2. User: .............................................................................................................................................. 2
TIMS Web Account Access Application Process ....................................................................... 2
Appendix A: TIMS Web Disclaimer ........................................................................................... 5
Security ....................................................................................................................................... 5
What happens to the information you submit to us? ................................................................... 5
Cookies ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Personally Identifiable Information ............................................................................................ 5
Appendix B: Instructions for TIMS Web User Access Request Form .................................... 6
Appendix C: Instructions for TIMS Web Administrator Access Request Form ................... 7
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
What is TIMS Web
TIMS Web Company application allows individuals and business entities in the Oil and Gas
industry (Industry) to electronically submit Qualification related requests, Changes of Name,
Business Conversions, and Mergers to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
TIMS Web Bonding application allows Industry and Sureties on the Treasury 570 listing to
electronically submit New Bonds, Bond Replacements, Bond Cancellation requests, Bond
Termination requests and Bond Riders to BOEM.
Electronic submittal of data provides a secure file transfer mechanism; eliminates data collection
errors and inefficiencies; and allows TIMS Web to maintain the most current and accurate data
online. Once Company and Bonding requests are submitted, TIMS Web Company and Bonding
applications enable BOEM to electronically review and enter the appropriate decision for the
Links in this document
Links have been provided for easy and fast access to remote sections in this document. To visit a
link, hold the mouse pointer over the link. Left click the mouse while pressing the Ctrl key. You
will be directed to the link target. To return to previous position, hold down Alt and press the left
arrow on your keyboard.
Purpose of this manual
This manual provides information for obtaining access to TIMS Web to submit Company and
Bonding requests. Required forms and accompanying instructions are also provided in this
Help Desk
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Enterprise IT Service desk is the
point of contact for assistance with TIMS Web. For assistance an email may be sent to
EnterpriseITServiceDesk@bsee.gov or contact 1-877-256-6260. Hours of operation are from 4
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mountain time, Monday through Friday.
1. Administrator:
Administrators administer TIMS Web User entitlements (e.g., roles/access rights). They
maintain entitlement groups for assigning roles to Users to perform various Company and
Bonding functions. Additionally, they are responsible for expiring User entitlements that
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
are no longer needed; and must submit a new form to BOEM when a User account can be
Types of Administrators:
a. Qualified Company Administrator: A person who is an Administrator for and an
employee of a BOEM qualified company.
b. Surety Administrator: A person who is an Administrator for and an employee of a
U.S. Treasury Approved Surety.
c. Agent Administrator: A person who is an employee of a company such as a law firm
or regulatory consulting company (i.e., Representative Company), representing a
BOEM qualified company as an Administrator for the BOEM qualified company.
2. User:
Types of Users:
a. Qualified Company User: A person employed by a BOEM qualified company who is
entitled to access TIMS Web.
b. New Company User: A person employed by either a company seeking to become a
BOEM Qualified Company or a Representative Company. A New Company User is
only entitled to enter submittals for a new company qualification in the Company
application of TIMS Web.
c. Surety User: A person employed by a U.S. Treasury Approved Surety who is entitled
to access TIMS Web.
d. Agent User: A person employed by a Representative Company who is entitled to
access TIMS Web on behalf of one or more BOEM Qualified companies.
1. Determine access type required (Administrator or User). Please note: Administrators
who will also need access as a User, will not be required to submit the User Access
Request Form. Once they receive access as an Administrator, they can grant the role of
User to themselves without the requirement to submit additional Access Request Forms.
2. Fill out appropriate Access Request Form.
3. Forms must be printed on one page (double-sided).
4. Front side of Access Request Form must be signed by person seeking access.
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
5. Backside of Access Request Form must be signed as follows:
a. For Qualified Company Administrator or Qualified Company User access:
Authorized signatory for BOEM qualified company, as reflected in qualifications
records on file with BOEM. Additionally, authorized signatory for BOEM
qualified company must initial the top portion of the back side of the form,
“ADMINISTRATOR/USER AUTHORIZATION”, authorizing the qualified
company User or Administrator.
b. For Surety Administrator or Surety User access: Authorized signatory for Surety
company as evidenced by a Power of Attorney instrument which must be
attached to the Access Request Form. Additionally, authorized signatory for
Surety company must initial the top portion of the back side of the form,
“SURETY COMPANY AUTHORIZATION”, authorizing Surety’s Administrator
or User.
c. For Agent Administrator or Agent User access: Authorized signatory for BOEM
qualified company, as reflected in qualifications records on file with BOEM.
Additionally, authorized signatory for BOEM qualified company must initial the
top portion of the back side of the form, “AGENT AUTHORIZATION”,
authorizing the Agent Administrator or Agent User.
d. For New Company User Access: An authorized signatory empowered on behalf
of the company seeking qualification. The authorized signatory must initial the
top portion of the back side of the form, “NEW COMPANY QUALIFICATION”.
If the New Company User is employed by a Representative Company, the
authorized signatory must also initial the “AGENT AUTHORIZATION” section.
6. Mail completed forms to:
Attention: Adjudication Section
1201 Elmwood Park Blvd.
Stop GM250E
New Orleans, LA 70123-2394
Note: Original signed paper forms must be submitted. BOEM cannot accept scanned or
photocopied versions of the forms.
7. After forms are deemed acceptable as to form and content, the BSEE Information
Technology Division (ITD) will:
a. For Administrators: Send the ID and temporary password to the Administrator,
via certified mail.
b. For Users: Send the ID and temporary password to the User, via certified mail.
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
8. When first accessing TIMS Web, all Administrators and Users will be forced to change
their password.
9. Companies qualified through TIMS Web system will not be able to make additional
TIMS Web submittals until they appoint a Company Administrator or Agent
Administrator, following the process outlined above.
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
Appendix A: TIMS Web Disclaimer
BOEM/BSEE, as developer and manager of the TIMS Web website, has taken several steps to
safeguard the integrity of its telecommunications and computing infrastructures, including but
not limited to authentication, monitoring, auditing and encryption. Security measures have been
integrated into the design, implementation and day-to-day practices of the entire operating
environment as part of its continuing commitment to risk management. This information should
not be construed in any way as giving business, legal or other advice, or warranting as fail proof,
the security of information provided via this web site.
Information presented and collected on this website is shared between BOEM and Users
submitting the data. Restrictions have been put in place to maximize the security of the data. All
information collected will only be used for purposes for which it was provided and will not be
shared with another entity except as prescribed by law. The non-proprietary data submitted will
be made available in agency Public Information Office. While every effort is made to provide
accurate and complete information, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the
accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.
For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all Administrators
and Users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network
traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause
damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this website are
strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and
the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Information may also be used for
authorized law enforcement investigations.
What happens to the information you submit to us?
The information you submit to us will be transmitted through secure lines to our departmental
database. Any private information will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided
and will not be shared with another entity except as prescribed by law.
This website uses session cookies only. The site will not store a permanent cookie on your
machine. The session cookie is used to store a randomly generated identifying temporary tag on
your computer and is stored in memory only.
Personally Identifiable Information
You may choose to provide us with personal information, as in email with a comment or
question. We use the information to improve our service to you or to respond to your request.
BOEM/BSEE will not distribute the email address for any reason except to respond to your
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
Appendix B: Instructions for TIMS Web User Access Request Form
New User
Add Company for User
Delete User
Phone Number and Fax Number
Email Address
User Signature and Date
BOEM Company Number and Company
TIMS Web Account Access Application Manual
Appendix C: Instructions for TIMS Web Administrator Access Request Form
To electronically fill out the form, type entries in the fields and
save a copy of the form under desired name. Use the Tab key to
go to the next field.
Front Side
New Administrator
Check the appropriate box. Use this box when you do not have a
username in TIMS Web.
Add Company for Administrator
Use this box when you have username and want access to another
Delete Administrator
Use this box to delete the user from the system. BOEM will accept
Delete Administrator option from company Administrator only.
The Administrator must terminate all entitlements before sending
this form.
Enter the name of the user who wants access to TIMS Web system.
The First and Last names are required fields.
Company title of the person requesting access to the TIMS Web
Enter the company mailing address for person requesting access to
TIMS Web system. This address may be used to correspond with
the user.
Phone Number and Fax Number
Enter phone and fax numbers for the user who wants access to
TIMS Web system.
Email Address
Enter the email address of the person requesting access to TIMS
Web system. This email will be used to correspond with the user
and is a required field.
The CONSENT box must be checked. Your consent states that you
have read the certifications and agree with them.
User Signature and Date
User needs to sign and date the form.
Back Side
Enter initials if user is employed by a BOEM qualified company.
Enter initials if user is employed by a third party company acting as
an agent.
Enter initial if user is employed by a Surety Company.
BOEM Company Number and Name
Enter the companies user needs access to and you have the
signature authority for. BOEM will verify the signature for each
company before granting the user access to the company. If a
company is listed and you do not have signature authority for the
company, the whole form will be returned and no action will be
If Surety companies are entered, leave the Company Number
column blank.
Representative Name
Enter the name of the person signing. This person’s name must
match the name on BOEM Qualification File unless the company is
a surety.
Representative Title
Enter the title of the person entered under Representative Name.
The title must match the title on BOEM Qualification File unless
the company is a surety.
Representative Signature and Date
The person with BOEM signature authority or the surety company
official must sign and date the form.
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
TIMS Web User Access Request Form
(This form must be printed on one page only, front and back)
New User __ Add Company for User __ Delete User ___
Name: ______ ______________________ __ ______________________________ ______
Prefix First Name MI Last Name Suffix
Title: _________________________________
Address: Employer Name: ______________________________________________
Division: _____________________________________________________
Street: ________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: ________________
ZIP: ______________ Country: _________________________________
Phone Number: __________________ Fax Number: ________________
Email: ________________________________________________
1. I understand that using the BOEM/BSEE TIMS Web system means I will be using BOEM/BSEE
Computer Systems, Electronic Mail, Internet connections and associated equipment, software and
data. These resources are to be used for official government business only and in conjunction with
Department of the Interior and all related bureau policies. Law prohibits any other use of these
items (18 USC Section 641 Violations of the law can result in loss of system access.
2. If I am aware of a security breach (password sharing, hacking), I will immediately notify the
Enterprise IT Service Desk.
3. I will select my own password and I will NOT share my password or username with anyone. If I
no longer need access to the TIMS Web system for any reason, I will contact my company’s
administrator to expire my entitlements and to submit a new form to BOEM to delete my username
from the system.
4. I will handle sensitive data appropriately and understand that this information is not to be
exchanged, divulged or otherwise compromised in any way unless necessary for official
government business. I agree not to disclose information covered by the Privacy Act to
unauthorized personnel.
5. I have read the TIMS Web disclaimer and agree to the conditions specified in the document.
__ I consent and will adhere to the above terms and conditions.
User Signature: _________________________ Date: __________________
Initial the appropriate authorization. Only one block must be initialed.
Please initial if user is employed by a BOEM Qualified Company.
_____ I authorize this user to have access to the company’s data based on entitlements
granted by the company’s TIMS Web administrator.
Please initial if user is employed by a third party company acting as an agent.
_____ I authorize this user as an agent user who has access to the company’s data based
on entitlements granted by the company’s TIMS Web administrator or by the
agent company’s TIMS Web administrator.
Please initial if this account is being created for a new company qualification.
_____ I authorize this user to have access to submit a new company qualification for the
below companies only. Note: a BOEM Company Number will not be required in
the list below.
Please initial if this account is being created for Surety company.
_____ I authorize this user to have access based on entitlements granted by the Surety
company’s TIMS Web Administrator and certify that I have Power of Attorney
rights for the Surety as shown in the attached Power of Attorney document.
List all companies that user will submit data for. These must be BOEM qualified
companies for which the representative below has BOEM signature authority or
a Surety company for which the representative is designated as having Power of
Attorney on the attached POA document.
BOEM Company Number Company Name
(Leave blank for Surety companies) (Must match that on BOEM Qualification File
or the attached Surety POA)
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Representative Name: _________________________________________
Representative Title: _________________________________________
Representative Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
TIMS Web Administrator Access Request Form
(This form must be printed on one page only, front and back)
New Administrator Add Company for Administrator
Delete Administrator
Name: ______ ______________________ __ ______________________________ ______
Prefix First Name MI Last Name Suffix
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: Employer Name: ______________________________________________
Division: _____________________________________________________
Street: ________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: ________________
ZIP: ______________ Country: _________________________________
Phone Number: __________________ Fax Number: ________________
Email: __________________________________________________________
1. I understand that using the BOEM/BSEE TIMS Web system means I will be using BOEM/BSEE
Computer Systems, Electronic Mail, Internet connections and associated equipment, software and
data. These resources are to be used for official government business only and in conjunction with
Department of the Interior and all related bureau policies. Law prohibits any other use of these
items (18 USC Sec. 641). Violations of the law can result in loss of system access.
2. If I am aware of a security breach (password sharing, hacking), I will immediately notify the
Enterprise IT Service Desk.
3. I will select my own password and I will NOT share my password or username with anyone. If I
no longer need access to the TIMS Web system for any reason, I will expire all entitlements and
submit a new form to BOEM to delete my username from the system.
4. I will handle sensitive data appropriately and understand that this information is not to be
exchanged, divulged or otherwise compromised in any way unless necessary for official
government business. I agree not to disclose information covered by the Privacy Act to
unauthorized personnel.
5. I have read the TIMS Web disclaimer and agree to the conditions specified in the document.
__ I consent and will adhere to the above conditions.
Administrator Signature: _________________________ Date: __________________
Initial the appropriate authorization. Only one block must be initialed.
Please initial if administrator is employed by a BOEM Qualified company.
____ I authorize this administrator to have full access to all company data stored in
the BOEM Company and Bonding databases. The Administrator will be
responsible for granting entitlements/roles (View, Enter, Submit, et cetera) to
company data stored in the TIMS Web database for company users.
Please initial if administrator is employed by a third party company acting as an agent.
____ I authorize this administrator as an agent administrator. As an agent
administrator, they will have full access to all company data stored in the BOEM
Company and Bonding databases. The Administrator will be responsible for
granting entitlements/roles (View, Enter, Submit, et cetera) to company data
stored in the TIMS Web database for company users and agents.
Please initial if administrator is employed by a Surety company.
____ I authorize this user as Surety administrator and certify that I have Power of
Attorney rights for the Surety as shown in the attached Power of Attorney
document. As a Surety administrator, the administrator will have full access to
all company data stored in the BOEM Surety Company and Bonding database.
The administrator will be responsible for granting entitlements/roles (View,
Enter, Submit, et cetera) to company data stored in the TIMS Web database for
users of this Surety company.
List all companies for which the administrator will grant entitlements/roles. These must be
BOEM companies for which the representative below has BOEM signature authority or a
Surety company for which the representative is designated as having Power of Attorney
(POA) on the attached POA document.
BOEM Company Number Company Name
(Leave blank for Surety companies) (Must match that on BOEM Qualification File
or the attached Surety POA)
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Representative Name: ________________________________________
Representative Title: ________________________________________
Representative Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________
The Enterprise IT Service Desk
Phone: 1-877-256-6260