U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
TIMS Web Administrator Access Request Form
(This form must be printed on one page only, front and back)
New Administrator Add Company for Administrator
Delete Administrator
Name: ______ ______________________ __ ______________________________ ______
Prefix First Name MI Last Name Suffix
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: Employer Name: ______________________________________________
Division: _____________________________________________________
Street: ________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: ________________
ZIP: ______________ Country: _________________________________
Phone Number: __________________ Fax Number: ________________
Email: __________________________________________________________
1. I understand that using the BOEM/BSEE TIMS Web system means I will be using BOEM/BSEE
Computer Systems, Electronic Mail, Internet connections and associated equipment, software and
data. These resources are to be used for official government business only and in conjunction with
Department of the Interior and all related bureau policies. Law prohibits any other use of these
items (18 USC Sec. 641). Violations of the law can result in loss of system access.
2. If I am aware of a security breach (password sharing, hacking), I will immediately notify the
Enterprise IT Service Desk.
3. I will select my own password and I will NOT share my password or username with anyone. If I
no longer need access to the TIMS Web system for any reason, I will expire all entitlements and
submit a new form to BOEM to delete my username from the system.
4. I will handle sensitive data appropriately and understand that this information is not to be
exchanged, divulged or otherwise compromised in any way unless necessary for official
government business. I agree not to disclose information covered by the Privacy Act to
unauthorized personnel.
5. I have read the TIMS Web disclaimer and agree to the conditions specified in the document.
__ I consent and will adhere to the above conditions.
Administrator Signature: _________________________ Date: __________________
click to sign
click to edit
Initial the appropriate authorization. Only one block must be initialed.
Please initial if administrator is employed by a BOEM Qualified company.
____ I authorize this administrator to have full access to all company data stored in
the BOEM Company and Bonding databases. The Administrator will be
responsible for granting entitlements/roles (View, Enter, Submit, et cetera) to
company data stored in the TIMS Web database for company users.
Please initial if administrator is employed by a third party company acting as an agent.
____ I authorize this administrator as an agent administrator. As an agent
administrator, they will have full access to all company data stored in the BOEM
Company and Bonding databases. The Administrator will be responsible for
granting entitlements/roles (View, Enter, Submit, et cetera) to company data
stored in the TIMS Web database for company users and agents.
Please initial if administrator is employed by a Surety company.
____ I authorize this user as Surety administrator and certify that I have Power of
Attorney rights for the Surety as shown in the attached Power of Attorney
document. As a Surety administrator, the administrator will have full access to
all company data stored in the BOEM Surety Company and Bonding database.
The administrator will be responsible for granting entitlements/roles (View,
Enter, Submit, et cetera) to company data stored in the TIMS Web database for
users of this Surety company.
List all companies for which the administrator will grant entitlements/roles. These must be
BOEM companies for which the representative below has BOEM signature authority or a
Surety company for which the representative is designated as having Power of Attorney
(POA) on the attached POA document.
BOEM Company Number Company Name
(Leave blank for Surety companies) (Must match that on BOEM Qualification File
or the attached Surety POA)
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Representative Name: ________________________________________
Representative Title: ________________________________________
Representative Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________
click to sign
click to edit