Help tell the story of how the arts impact the lives of Arizonans. Join the effort to promote the arts in
Arizona by sharing your story about how the arts positively impact your life, your work, or Arizona’s future.
Using the guidelines listed below, create a short video that tells your story. In two minutes or less, tell
others about the ways the arts have made an impact on your life or the lives of others, and tell the world
why your choice is art. Exceptional video submissions will be highlighted on The Choice is Art website,
YouTube channel and Facebook page.
1. Collect footage of yourself answering the questions listed below.
Set up a camera to record yourself, or ask a friend to record your responses to the questions.
2. Create a video that is no more than two minutes in length.
We recognize that video equipment and access to editing tools are not always available. Where
possible, edit your video to include your name, age and profession, and include the name of the
campaign, The Choice is Art, on a black slug. If possible, prior to your response to each
question, include a slide that states the exact question, or topic of question, to which you are
responding. See for sample videos. Contact the Arts Commission (602-
771-6502) should you have questions regarding the creation of your video.
3. If you do not already have a user account on YouTube, create an account at
4. Upload your video to your account on
Title the video as follows, listing your full name: The Choice is Art: Your Name. Tag the video
with the following phrase: The Choice is Art.
5. Complete and submit this video submission release form.
Release forms can be found on pages three (3) and four (4) of this instructions document.
6. Email the YouTube link of your video submission to, subject line, The Choice is
Art Video Submission. Attach the completed release form to your email message.
7. Exceptional video submissions may be posted to any of the following: the The Choice is Art
website, YouTube channel and/or Facebook page. Submitters will be notified if and when their
video has been posted.
Italicized text is not considered part of the core questions but is meant to provide direction for responses.
1. Introduce yourself/yourselves.
State your name(s). Describe your profession, your passion, your family, where you go/went to
school, what interests you, what you do in your spare time. Which city do you live or work in?
What brought you to your city, and how long have you lived or worked there? What is the name
of your neighborhood? How would you describe your neighborhood? What kind of work do you
do? Who do you serve? What do you study, and what do you hope to achieve?
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Submit by Email
2. How do you currently engage in the arts, and/or how have you engaged in the arts in the
3. OPTION 1: Describe a particularly memorable or pivotal arts moment in your life.
In your response, consider your arts background, the value of arts education, the impact of the
arts on your business, city/town or community.
OPTION 2: Describe how the arts have made an impact on you, your life. If you can,
describe a time when you were faced with a challenge and your engagement with the arts
helped you make a positive choice.
Describe the challenge, the decisions you made, what led you to choose the arts, and the
outcome(s) of your choice.
4. If you could change anything about the arts in Arizona for future generations, what would
you change?
5. To the camera: “The choice is clear. The Choice is Art.”
Feel free to lead in with a personalized intro, but all submissions should end with this line.
1. Videos should not exceed two (2) minutes in length.
2. Be creative! Videos need not be professionally produced or polished, but video content must be
genuine, clear and audible.
3. Be considerate and respectful of others. Vulgarity, threats or abuse of language are not
permissible within The Choice is Art campaign videos.
4. Differing opinions and diverse ideas are welcome, but personal attacks on anyone – including
Arts Commission staff, board, local or national celebrities or political leaders – are not permitted.
5. Be aware of copyright laws, be accurate and give credit where credit is due.
6. Stay on topic and refrain from using The Choice is Art videos for solicitation, commercial
purposes or to market products.
The Arizona Commission on the Arts is a 44-year old agency of the State of Arizona. It is not legal or
permissible for state agencies to lobby or take official positions related to state or federal laws, political
issues/actions, elections or elected officials. Therefore videos that reference legal or political
issues/actions, elections or elected officials will not be published to the The Choice is Art YouTube
channel, the Arts Commission’s website, Facebook page or Twitter account.
The Arizona Commission on the Arts reserves the right to make editorial decisions regarding submitted
Opinions expressed by individuals posting videos online which reference The Choice is Art do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, its staff or board.
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Video Submission Release Form
Please complete and submit the following form, along with detailed video submission information,
to the Arizona Commission on the Arts, at, subject line, “The Choice is Art Video
I, _______________________________________, hereby grant the Arizona Commission on the Arts
(“Arts Commission”) permission to use the content of my The Choice is Art video submission.* This
includes still images, audio recording of my voice and footage from the video submission (“video
submission materials”) submitted on________________________________ (date of video submission).
The video submission materials may be used to educate and inform the public about Arts
Commission programs, or to educate Arizonans about the Arts Commission in any of the
following ways:
1. Print Media. The Arts Commission may use my video submission materials in print materials.
2. Lectures. The Arts Commission may utilize my video submission materials for presentations
about Arts Commission programs which are open to the public.
3. The Internet. The Arts Commission may utilize my video submission materials on its website
(, or and on any of its subsequent pages, or through
electronic mailings. The Arts Commission may also utilize my video submission materials in
social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter.
4. Television. The Arts Commission may utilize my video submission materials in television
segments or programs to be aired on local, public, cable, satellite, and/or digital TV.
5. DVD. The Arts Commission may utilize my video submission materials in a DVD to be distributed
for free as a public service announcement or educational video.
6. Successor Technologies. The Arts Commission may utilize my video submission materials in
subsequently developed technologies.
I agree the Arts Commission and its assignees and designees may use my video submission materials. I
recognize that any educational materials containing my interview materials may be distributed or
broadcast nationwide. I release the Arts Commission and its assignees and designees from any and all
claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of my interview materials. I certify that I
have all rights necessary to agree to these terms.
*If a minor child is pictured in the image, your signature confirms that you are authorized to act on his or
her behalf, as either parent or legal guardian.
Full legal name of rights holder: __________________________________________________________
Signature of rights holder (*Type full name here): ____________________________________________
*Submission of this form with your typed name in the signature line indicates your agreement to the
above outlined release. You are submitting this form with an electronic signature.
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click to sign
click to edit
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Video Submission Information Form
Please complete all of the following information. Fields with a (*) indicate required information.
Date of video submission*:
Full, legal na
me of person
making video submission*:
Preferred name (if different):
Title (if applicable) of person
making video submission:
City, State, Zip*:
Phone Number*:
Email Address*:
Names and titles (if applicable)
of any additional participants,
or persons featured in video*:
Name of location of video*:
Video Title*:
Video Description*:
Video Submission YouTube
Any additional information
related to the video