Photographs may assist in explaining your proposals.
Please include a sketch plan to show the position of the tree(s)
Signature * (Applicant or Agent)*
Date *
The submission of this notification gives six weeks notice to the Council of your intention to carry
out the works specified
The Council may require access at a reasonable time to inspect the tree(s)
If the Council raises no objection to the proposals, they remain valid for two years
The owner of a tree(s) is responsible for the care, maintenance and safety of all trees within
his/her ownership
A yearly inspection of trees is recommended. A climbing inspection may be required for larger or
very mature trees.
Proposed tree works should be the minimum required to alleviate any problems
The Council can supply an advice leaflet on pruning deciduous trees
All tree works should be carried out by competent persons working to current standards in
arboriculture, in the interests of safety and tree care
Unauthorised tree works may result in legal proceedings leading to substantial fines
Where a tree is removed, with or without consent, the Council will in most cases require the
planting of a replacement tree of appropriate species and size.
It may help your notification to include a written specification detailing the work and the reasons
for it, together with any current specialist reports.
Return this form to: Conservation Section,
Dover District Council,
White Cliffs Business Park
Dover CT16 3PJ