Buyer's Org
Number /
Account Code
Buyer's Org Name
(please print)
$ Amount
Seller's Org
Number /
Account Code
Seller's Org Name
(please print)
or SSB
1 Yes / No
2 Yes / No
3 Yes / No
4 Yes / No
5 Yes / No
6 Yes / No
7 Yes / No
8 Yes / No
9 Yes / No
10 Yes / No
Buyer (Debit) Org Owner Printed Name Seller (Credit) Org Owner Printed Name
Buyer (Debit) Org Owner Signature Date
Seller (Credit) Org Owner Signature
Authorizing signatures must have appropriate dollar authority to approve the transfer requested above.
If cost is currently in Banner, Attach:
FGITRND (INB) or Self Service Banner (SSB) printout showing the current org and account number posting of the item, before the transfer,
AND a copy of the invoice or other appropriate backup supporting the transaction.
Other information you would like to provide about this transfer:
Route Original with signatures and backup to Business Services, Campus Box 16. Retain copies as needed.
Interdepartmental Invoice/Transfer Authorization
Add unique code above: 2 initials of seller plus
date YYMMDD or other unique numbering
Vendor Name/Item
To be Transferred/Invoiced
Missing or incomplete backup will delay transaction posting time.
Additional Approvals: Grant Approval __________ Date
__________ Travel Approval___________ Date ____________
Business Services reserves the right to correct coding as necessary.
Revised January 2014