Sustainable Solution Organizer
A major component of the video contest is the sustainable solution you present for the
selected global challenge. While the solution is only one part of the larger video entry, it is an
important piece. You will need to strategize how to best articulate your solution within your
60-second video.
This is a general outline for a video. Each of the necessary parts are included in this outline
and are divided up based on the amount of time suggested for each.
What is a Sustainable Solution?
Sustainable development is a multi-faceted approach to problem solving that balances
economic, social, and environmental needs. A sustainable solution meets the needs of a
present issue without negatively impacting future generations.
A sustainable solution:
● Works to actively reduce a problem (in this case, the global challenge) without
creating new problems or negatively impacting future generations.
● Is rooted in science and evidence-based tactics.
● Identifies and listens to the needs and perspectives of all stakeholders (the
individuals, groups, and organizations that have an interest or concern in an issue.)
These partnerships are important so the solution can be carried out.
● Is inclusive. It serves the needs of diverse people within that community.
● Goes beyond making donations and giving charity.