CERTIFICATION (By Two Officers) – (Signing Officers cannot be related to the Applicant or Sponsor)
1. The Detachment Paymaster / Auxiliary Unit Treasurer will certify in blocks #21 and #22 that the Sponsors membership dues are
paid up to date within their respective organization.
2. The Detachment Commandant / Auxiliary Unit President will certify in blocks #23 and #24 that the Sponsors membership dues are
paid up to date within their respective organization.
NOTE: In the event the Applicant OR Sponsored is related to the Detachment Commandant / Detachment Paymaster OR the
Auxiliary Unit President / Auxiliary Unit Treasurer, the Detachment “Senior Vice Commandant” or the Auxiliary Unit “Senior Vice
President” will certify in their appropriate blocks after verifying that the Sponsor is a paid member in good standing within their
respective organization as their “DESIGNEE” in their stead. If there is still a conflict the Judge Advocate will sign.
(B) NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS – Will Certify all Members At Large (MAL) (If the application is approved).
National Marine Corps League or the Marine Corps League Auxiliary Headquarters will verify the membership status of all
Members at Large (MAL) Applicants / Sponsors.
If your application is selected, your name will be posted on or about 21, August 2020 on the Marine Corps League National Website
www.mclnational.org (Programs Menu), with instructions to obtain an “Official Proof of Enrollment Letter” from your school for the
2020 Fall Semester. This “Official Proof of Enrollment Letter” and your “Student Data Sheet” must include your student ID# and the
College / University “OFFICE” mailing address which is designated to receive scholarship funds. These must be sent to the National
Scholarship Committee postmarked no later than 25, September 2020. If the required “Official Proof of Enrollment Letter” and the
completed “Student Data Sheet” is received and the Institutions Accreditation is verified, your name will be submitted to the President
of the Marine Corps League Foundation for issuance of the Scholarship check directly to your College or University during November,
The Marine Corps League Foundation cannot establish the amount of the individual Scholarship until October, 2020. The amount of
the Scholarship can vary from year to year, based on the total number of selected applicants who submit their required “Proof of
Enrollment” in an accredited institution and “Student Data Sheet” to the National Scholarship Committee by the deadline of 25,
September 2020. The final list of scholarship recipients will be posted on the MCL National Website soon after the September deadline.
The President of the Marine Corps League Foundation will then determine the amount of the 2020 Scholarship’s based on funds
available. All recipients will receive the same amount.
1. All decisions by the Scholarship Committee are final and will not be subject to review.
2. The Scholarship Committee will strictly observe all eligibility criteria and requirements, to ensure compliance throughout.
3. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the committee, nor will they be returned for corrections.
4. Preliminary Approved Applicants will not receive a notification letter. The list will be posted to the MCL National Website on;
21, August 2020.
5. If you have a change of mailing address or email, notify the National Scholarship Committee at (jerryholt813@gmail.com)
6. Sending your Application / Transmittals by ‘Registered / Certified Mail’ will greatly delay delivery time. If you need a delivery
receipt it is recommended you send scholarship correspondence via USPS ‘Priority Mail’, which provides electronic tracking free.
7. Documents downloaded / copied from a school website(s) will not be accepted, unless they are authenticated and signed by that
Institution’s Registrar’s Office.
8. Some Institutions may charge a processing fee for ‘Official Documents’ and/or require that the requested Documents be mailed
by that Institution directly to the Marine Corps League National Scholarship Committee (see mailing address below).
9. Should you have any questions send email directly to the Scholarship Committee Chairman at (jerryholt813@gmail.com).
Mail All Applications / Transcripts / Letters to:
c/o Jerry Holt
3207 Kendall Trace
Indian Land, SC 29707-5839