Reports-To Supervisor/Time Approver Change Form
Instructions: Complete this form and submit when you plan to make an organizational structure change to
a position’s “Reports-ToSupervisor and/or an employee’s Time and Absence approver. Budget Services
and Human Resources will use this information to update OneUSG and/or PeopleAdmin in order to ensure
proper routing of Timesheets, Leave Requests/Reports, and Performance Appraisals. If you are requesting
any changes outside of supervisory changes (e.g. salary changes, title changes, etc.), you must submit a
Personnel Action Request (ePAR/PAR). Once completed, please send this form to Budget Services in
Aycock Hall, Room 239.
Employee/Position Structure Changing:
Employee #:
Position #:
Whats Changing?: (check each box that applies)
Update Reports-ToSupervisorResponsible for direct supervision and evaluation. This position
will be the “one-up” in the organizational chart and the position Supervisor in PeopleAdmin. When
this data element changes it changes for everyone hired in the position
. For multi-incumbent positions
(students, temporary labor, etc.), a form will be required for each employee.
Effective Date of Change (Must be beginning of future pay period):________________________________
Department Number:
Contact Phone:
Current Reports To/Supervisor:
Current Reports To Position Number:
New Reports To/Supervisor:
New Reports To Position Number:
Update Timecard ApproverResponsible for monitoring and approving employee time
Effective Date of Change (Must be beginning of future pay period):________________________________
Contact Phone:
Current Time Approver Empl ID:
New Time Approver Empl ID:
Original forms are due by the Payroll Processing Date to Budget Services to impact the current pay period. Any
forms received after this date will be processed on the next pay period. This means the current Reports To and
Time approver will be responsible for any action needed for the employee to be paid on the current payroll. To
maintain accurate employment files, please complete this form for each employee that will require the change.
Certification: I have reviewed the above changes and certify that I agree to assume the indicated
supervisory responsibilities for the employees listed above. I certify that my scope of work and job
description includes the supervision of employees and other duties assigned to me via this change. I certify
the employee has also been informed of this change.
Current Supervisor Signature / Date New Supervisor Signature / Date
Please submit completed forms to Budget Services in Aycock Hall, Room 239
HR Updated: (Initials) Budget Office Updated:
__________ __________ __________ ______________________ __________ __________
PY PA DocM Refresh Position Initials Date Pay Group