October 2016 (v.3)
Cost sharing is defined as program or project costs not borne by the sponsoring agency. Cost sharing may include
contributed effort, other University matching funds, unrecovered facilities and administrative costs (F&A or indirect
costs), and third party in-kind contributions.
Cost Sharing occurs whenever part of the proposed project cost is to be borne by the University of West Georgia. UWG
reserves the right to limit the amount of “voluntary” cost sharing. Please attach and submit this form with the Proposal
routing form.
3-If university funds or resources are being used as a Cost Share or Match, the department providing the funds must be
identified and the person with budgetary signing authority for that department must sign as the “Authorized Approver”
in the table.
4-A Letter of Commitment is required from all Third Party Cost Shares. The letter must indicate the amount and time
period for which the commitment is being made. If salary is part of the cost share, the hourly rate and anticipated hours
per week and number of weeks must be clearly indicated in the letter.
5-Include the total amount being requested from the Sponsor, the Total amount of the Cost Share and then divide the
Cost Share amount by the amount being requested from the Sponsor to determine the percentage for the Cost Share
being matched.
7-If the Sponsor requires a match please indicate the Cost Share is required and include the percentage or dollar amount
they require the university to match. If the Cost Share is voluntary, please provide detail as to why the funds are being
volunteered and are not being requested from the sponsor.
If the Total Cost Share is $10,000 or greater, the appropriate University Vice President must sign this form.
If Graduate Students are being paid as research assistants (semester based stipend) and tuition is not being paid by the
sponsor, the Provost must sign this form.