smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. This list does not
include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.
If an employee has any of these symptoms AND no alternative more likely diagnosis, they
will be directed to get tested for COVID-19 infection, call their medical provider and isolate
as may be required.
❑ Symptom checks are being conducted before employees may enter the work site. See
template here or below.
❑ Based on organizational needs and work duties, employees who can, will fluctuate between
working in office and remotely to reduce staffing level.
❑ Copies of this Protocol have been distributed to all employees.
❑ All employees working in any indoor space open to the public and in settings not open to
the public where six feet of separation cannot be maintained must wear face coverings.
Customers must also wear face covers when entering the business unless otherwise exempt
per the Summit County Public Health Order.
❑ Optional — Describe other measures:
Measures To Keep People At Least Six Feet Apart (You must comply with all items below that are applicable
to your location. Please check each box to confirm you have reviewed the requirement.)
❑ All employees have been instructed to maintain at least six feet of distance from
customers and each other (employees may momentarily come closer when needed to
accept payment, deliver goods or services, or when otherwise unavoidable).
❑ All desks, individual work stations, or work areas are separating staff by at least six feet.
❑ Tape or other markings have been placed at least six feet apart in customer line areas
inside the store and on sidewalks to public entrances with signs directing customers to use
the markings to maintain distance.
❑ Order areas are separated from delivery areas to prevent customers from gathering.
❑ For retail businesses: Retailers are to add directional indicators for each aisle to encourage
customers to go one way down each aisle.
❑ Optional — Describe other measures: