© TEA 3/27/2017 Student Learning Objectives Form 1
Student Learning Objectives Form
Teacher Name Date
Appraiser Name
Subject Area
Identify the content area for focus in the SLO.
What is the SLO skill focus statement for this content area or subject?
What led to the decision to focus on this content area and the SLO skill focus?
What TEKS for the content area or subject correspond to these most important skills? You may provide an enumerated
list of TEKS, but be prepared to share the verbiage of the TEKS with your appraiser.
Step 1: What is the focus for my SLO?
G. Saldana
DJ Gallego
Mr. J. Silva
Prek 4
Literacy Reading Domain
Students will be able to identify all the letters and sounds by the end of the year.
The school's reading foundation in Prek4 is letters and sounds. Once students have master this
skill. They start blending sounds that will help them read and write independently.
Reading Domain 111.C.2. Alphabet knowledge Skills
© TEA 3/27/2017 Student Learning Objectives Form 2
Use your knowledge of prior students' performance and end-of-year expectations for students in previous, vertically aligned
courses to describe typical students in the class. You may wish to describe the average student (middle level or “typical”) first, then,
the highest performing student (“well above typical”), and the lowest performing student (“well below typical”) and finally,
complete the in-between levels (“above” and “below typical”).
Initial Student Skill Profile
SLO Skill
Level Descriptors
Number of
in this level
Well above
Well below
Who will be included in your SLO?
When choosing your class or classes, gather informal data about your students to determine which class or classes is/are most
representative of the cross-section of students that you teach.
Elementary classroom teachers: select your entire class.
Elementary departmentalized teachers or secondary teachers: identify the targeted class or classes (class, grade and subject).
Match your current students to the descriptions in the Initial Student Skill profile.
List the total number of students at each level in the right hand column above, and
Record the level for each individual student on the Student Growth Tracker.
Check here when both tasks are complete:
What student work did you use to map students to the Initial Student Skill Profile?
Step 2: What do I think my students will be able to do?
Students will be able to identify letters and sounds by the end of the year.
Students are able to recognize and say 15 or more letters of the alphabet
students are able to recognize and say 10 or more letters of the alphabet
Students are able to recognize some letters in random order
students identify very little letters and no sounds.
Students do not identify any of the sounds any letter of the alphabet. They
will guess, or will call it if is someone else calls it
I used my alphabet mat and initial assessment.
© TEA 3/27/2017 Student Learning Objectives Form 3
Use information about how students mapped to the Initial Student Skill Profile to describe how, as a whole, students are
expected to prog
ress. In other words, what are your expectations for what high, average, and low performers will be able
to do at the end of the course? Complete the Targeted Student Skill Profile below.
The profile should describe your expectations for students' performance at the end of the interval. For example, the
ription at the middle level describes what you expect of the typical student at the end of the interval.
Targeted Student Skill Profile
SLO Skill
Level Expectations
Well above
Well below
Use available data on your current students (e.g., attendance, grades in relevant courses, early student work, prior
testing data, etc.
) along with each student's description on the Initial Student Skill Profile to establish a target for each
individual student cov
ered in the SLO. Record these targets on the Student Growth Tracker.
Check here when complete:
What evidence will you use to establish students' skill levels at the end of the interval? Describe the measures to be
used and how th
ey are aligned with the skills identified in the SLO.
Step 3: What are my expectations for these students?
Students will be able to identify letters and sounds by the end of the year.
Students will be able to blend sounds in three letter words.
Students will identify all sounds and letters of the alphabet.
Students will identify most sounds and letters of the alphabet.
Students will identify some letters and sounds of the alphabet.
Students will identify very little of the letters and sounds of the alphabet.
I will be using the CLI engage assessment that is administered at the beginning, middle and end of
the year.
© TEA 3/27/2017 Student Learning Objectives Form 4
Be prepared to discuss answers to the following questions with your appraiser.
How will you differentiate instruction for those students who are in the highest performing group as well as those who
are in the lowest perfo
rming group?
What strategies will you use to monitor progress?
Describe your plan for conferencing with your colleagues about student progress. Who will be members of your team
and how often will yo
u meet?
Optional Notes
By signing below you acknowledge that you have discussed and agreed upon the Student Learning Objectives Plan, above.
Revise and Resubmit
Teacher Signature
Appraiser Signature
Revision Comments (if required)
Final Approval
Teacher Signature
Appraiser Signature
Step 4: How will I guide these students toward growth? (for use in discussion)
Student Learning Objectives Review & Approval
I will asses and adjust my lessons to meet students needs.